GO:0006334: nucleosome assembly (Biological process)

"The aggregation, arrangement and bonding together of a nucleosome, the beadlike structural units of eukaryotic chromatin composed of histones and DNA." [GOC:mah]

There are 15038 sequences with this label.

Enriched clusters
Name Species % in cluster p-value corrected p-value action
Cluster_518 Actinostachys digitata 33.33 % 0.003152 0.015128
Cluster_316 Actinostachys digitata 1.34 % 0.010943 0.041842
Cluster_586 Actinostachys digitata 33.33 % 0.003152 0.015128
Cluster_545 Actinostachys digitata 50.0 % 0.002102 0.021023
Cluster_147 Angiopteris evecta 2.04 % 0.014632 0.038358
Cluster_50 Amblovenatum opulentum 1.41 % 0.002361 0.007121
Cluster_96 Amblovenatum opulentum 1.3 % 0.002768 0.028642
Cluster_12 Alsophila spinulosa 1.67 % 0.002303 0.028782
Cluster_451 Cibotium barometz 33.33 % 0.001592 0.046169
Cluster_593 Cibotium barometz 50.0 % 0.001062 0.010616
Cluster_307 Cibotium barometz 50.0 % 0.001062 0.007962
Cluster_56 Cyanophora paradoxa 2.04 % 0.007911 0.019687
Cluster_100 Ceratopteris richardii 3.08 % 0.000691 0.002479
Cluster_54 Ceratopteris richardii 4.88 % 0.000275 0.006985
Cluster_99 Davallia denticulata 1.05 % 0.006746 0.035258
Cluster_49 Lygodium flexuosum 2.33 % 0.001246 0.030654
Cluster_81 Microlepia speluncae 1.27 % 0.028658 0.044717
Cluster_59 Nephrolepis biserrata 2.13 % 0.001246 0.017272
Cluster_99 Nephrolepis biserrata 1.21 % 0.003767 0.018437
Cluster_308 Nephrolepis biserrata 50.0 % 0.001107 0.011069
Cluster_159 Ophioglossum reticulatum 4.0 % 0.000221 0.003841
Cluster_60 Oryza sativa 1.06 % 0.002571 0.007654
Cluster_22 Picea abies 4.65 % 0.000432 0.004371
Cluster_299 Pleocnemia irregularis 25.0 % 0.002753 0.013307
Cluster_51 Physcomitrella patens 1.8 % 1.1e-05 0.000112
Cluster_15 Physcomitrella patens 2.04 % 0.013507 0.045247
Cluster_74 Salvinia molesta 1.04 % 0.008373 0.037564
Cluster_22 Salvinia molesta 3.92 % 0.00062 0.007692
Cluster_85 Salvinia molesta 2.35 % 0.001711 0.008997
Cluster_105 Salvinia molesta 3.23 % 0.000915 0.005927
Cluster_61 Salvinia cucullata 1.45 % 0.002069 0.047579
Cluster_301 Solanum lycopersicum 50.0 % 0.001643 0.016428
Cluster_129 Solanum lycopersicum 4.76 % 1.9e-05 8e-05
Cluster_316 Solanum lycopersicum 50.0 % 0.001643 0.018071
Cluster_58 Solanum lycopersicum 4.55 % 0.000603 0.011305
Cluster_87 Selaginella moellendorffii 2.6 % 0.000418 0.00593
Cluster_551 Stenochlaena palustris 50.0 % 0.001392 0.008042
Cluster_137 Stenochlaena palustris 1.05 % 0.007812 0.041161
Cluster_61 Stenochlaena palustris 4.08 % 0.000544 0.002091
Sequences (15038) (download table)

Info: GO-associations disabled for items with more than 300 associated sequences !
InterPro and Family associations disabled for items with more than 5000 associated sequences !