GO:0070461: SAGA-type complex (Cellular component)

"A histone acetyltransferase complex that acetylates nucleosomal histones H2B, H3, or H4 and is required for the expression of a subset of Pol II-transcribed genes. This complex includes the acetyltransferases GCN5/KAT2A or PCAF/KAT2B, several proteins of the ADA, SGF and SPT families, and several TBP-associate proteins (TAFs)." [GOC:mah, PMID:10637607, PMID:17337012]

There are 1969 sequences with this label.

Enriched clusters
Name Species % in cluster p-value corrected p-value action
Cluster_294 Actinostachys digitata 0.83 % 0.00826 0.030754
Cluster_32 Azolla filiculoides 0.95 % 0.006203 0.029303
Cluster_370 Amblovenatum opulentum 25.0 % 0.000336 0.0047
Cluster_116 Amblovenatum opulentum 2.08 % 0.004022 0.01426
Cluster_120 Diplazium proliferum (Lam.) Kaulf. 0.79 % 0.010799 0.043196
Cluster_85 Dicranopteris curranii 1.45 % 0.006623 0.027996
Cluster_98 Ginkgo biloba 1.39 % 0.006954 0.034321
Cluster_254 Picea abies 1.72 % 0.002609 0.015524
Cluster_95 Psilotum nudum 2.38 % 0.00369 0.027488
Cluster_216 Pyrrosia piloselloides 1.64 % 0.005664 0.04909
Cluster_81 Selaginella moellendorffii 2.38 % 0.003766 0.047701
Cluster_181 Tectaria incisa 0.8 % 0.010696 0.040558
Cluster_137 Zea mays 1.02 % 0.001429 0.008165
Sequences (1969) (download table)

Info: GO-associations disabled for items with more than 300 associated sequences !
InterPro Domains

Family Terms