GO:0001578: microtubule bundle formation (Biological process)

"A process that results in a parallel arrangement of microtubules." [GOC:dph]

There are 454 sequences with this label.

Enriched clusters
Name Species % in cluster p-value corrected p-value action
Cluster_52 Equisetum hyemale 1.41 % 0.002191 0.032624
Cluster_31 Lygodium flexuosum 1.27 % 0.001913 0.038254
Cluster_89 Nephrolepis biserrata 0.81 % 0.005484 0.044604
Cluster_53 Nephrolepis biserrata 1.06 % 0.004159 0.046934
Cluster_252 Pleocnemia irregularis 1.16 % 0.001288 0.026729
Cluster_276 Pyrrosia piloselloides 2.08 % 0.002232 0.025892
Cluster_150 Salvinia molesta 2.08 % 0.003606 0.04405
Cluster_97 Stenochlaena palustris 1.41 % 0.006163 0.043143
Sequences (454) (download table)

Info: GO-associations disabled for items with more than 300 associated sequences !
InterPro Domains

Family Terms