AMTR_s00003p00211760 | CRB, HIP1.3,... | RNA processing.organelle machineries.ribonuclease... | 0.07 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
AMTR_s00025p00246210 | CSP41A,... | RNA processing.organelle machineries.ribonuclease... | 0.03 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
AT1G09340 | CRB, HIP1.3, CSP41B | chloroplast RNA binding | 0.07 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
AT3G63140 | CSP41A | chloroplast stem-loop binding protein of 41 kDa | 0.06 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Adi_g006651 | CRB, HIP1.3, CSP41B | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.03 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Adi_g020154 | CSP41A | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.06 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Adi_g044321 | CRB, HIP1.3, CSP41B | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.04 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Aev_g02158 | CSP41A | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.04 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Aev_g03824 | CRB, HIP1.3, CSP41B | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.06 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Ala_g04885 | CSP41A | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.04 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Ala_g12109 | CRB, HIP1.3, CSP41B | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.06 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Als_g12366 | CSP41A | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.03 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Als_g45562 | CRB, HIP1.3, CSP41B | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.04 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Aop_g13529 | CRB, HIP1.3, CSP41B | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.07 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Aspi01Gene42964.t1 | CRB, HIP1.3,... | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.05 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Aspi01Gene42964.t2 | CRB, HIP1.3,... | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.05 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Azfi_s0699.g082607 | CSP41A | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: CDS=152-1396 | 0.03 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Azfi_s0754.g085340 | CRB, HIP1.3, CSP41B | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: CDS=1-1245 | 0.06 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Azfi_s1450.g103210 | CRB, HIP1.3, CSP41B | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: CDS=130-1254 | 0.02 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Cba_g10854 | CSP41A | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.08 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Cba_g10933 | CRB, HIP1.3, CSP41B | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.07 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Ceric.11G048000.1 | CRB, HIP1.3,... | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description:... | 0.05 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Ceric.26G018800.1 | CSP41A, Ceric.26G018800 | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description:... | 0.03 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Cpa|evm.model.tig00021181.14 | CRB, HIP1.3, CSP41B | RNA processing.organelle machineries.ribonuclease... | 0.02 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Cpa|evm.model.tig00021720.14 | CRB, HIP1.3, CSP41B | RNA processing.organelle machineries.ribonuclease... | 0.03 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Cre10.g440050 | CSP41A | RNA processing.organelle machineries.ribonuclease... | 0.02 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Dac_g08562 | CSP41A | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.04 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Dac_g14747 | CRB, HIP1.3, CSP41B | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.06 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Dcu_g01117 | CRB, HIP1.3, CSP41B | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.07 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Dcu_g02729 | CSP41A | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.11 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Dde_g02854 | CRB, HIP1.3, CSP41B | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.04 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Dde_g14746 | CSP41A | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.06 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Ehy_g01176 | CRB, HIP1.3, CSP41B | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.05 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Ehy_g06718 | CSP41A | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.06 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
GSVIVT01011082001 | CSP41A | RNA processing.organelle machineries.ribonuclease... | 0.11 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
GSVIVT01031272001 | CRB, HIP1.3, CSP41B | RNA processing.organelle machineries.ribonuclease... | 0.09 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Gb_01706 | CSP41A | endoribonuclease (CSP41) | 0.05 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Gb_26565 | CRB, HIP1.3, CSP41B | endoribonuclease (CSP41) | 0.05 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Gb_37146 | CSP41A | Chloroplast stem-loop binding protein of 41 kDa a,... | 0.04 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
LOC_Os07g11110.1 | CSP41A, LOC_Os07g11110 | endoribonuclease (CSP41) | 0.02 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
LOC_Os12g23180.1 | CRB, HIP1.3,... | endoribonuclease (CSP41) | 0.07 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Len_g03236 | CRB, HIP1.3, CSP41B | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.06 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Len_g13543 | CSP41A | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.05 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Lfl_g01195 | CSP41A | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.05 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Lfl_g12178 | CRB, HIP1.3, CSP41B | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.07 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
MA_115470g0010 | CSP41A | Chloroplast stem-loop binding protein of 41 kDa a,... | 0.05 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
MA_196108g0010 | CRB, HIP1.3, CSP41B | endoribonuclease (CSP41) | 0.04 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
MA_307070g0010 | CSP41A | endoribonuclease (CSP41) | 0.07 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Mp1g11680.1 | CRB, HIP1.3, CSP41B | endoribonuclease (CSP41) | 0.07 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Mp1g11690.1 | No alias | no hits & (original description: none) | 0.02 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Mp6g11330.1 | CSP41A | endoribonuclease (CSP41) | 0.05 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Msp_g23904 | CSP41A | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.04 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Msp_g36515 | CRB, HIP1.3, CSP41B | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.05 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Nbi_g04194 | CRB, HIP1.3, CSP41B | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.05 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Nbi_g07510 | CSP41A | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.03 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Ore_g07930 | CRB, HIP1.3, CSP41B | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.07 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Ore_g19880 | CSP41A | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.04 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Ore_g31893 | CSP41A | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.05 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Pir_g14125 | CRB, HIP1.3, CSP41B | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.02 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Pnu_g10254 | CRB, HIP1.3, CSP41B | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.05 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Ppi_g01983 | CSP41A | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.05 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Ppi_g10001 | CRB, HIP1.3, CSP41B | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.05 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Sacu_v1.1_s0076.g017534 | CSP41A | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: CDS=1450-2700 | 0.03 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Sam_g04675 | No alias | not classified & original description: none | 0.05 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Sam_g11377 | No alias | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.05 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Sam_g19736 | No alias | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.02 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Sam_g22990 | No alias | not classified & original description: none | 0.05 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Smo107618 | CRB, HIP1.3, CSP41B | RNA processing.organelle machineries.ribonuclease... | 0.04 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Smo133157 | CSP41A | RNA processing.organelle machineries.ribonuclease... | 0.05 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Smo185868 | CSP41A | RNA processing.organelle machineries.ribonuclease... | 0.07 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Smo228849 | CRB, HIP1.3, CSP41B | RNA processing.organelle machineries.ribonuclease... | 0.05 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Solyc06g073260.3.1 | CRB, HIP1.3,... | endoribonuclease (CSP41) | 0.07 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Solyc09g065180.3.1 | CSP41A, Solyc09g065180 | endoribonuclease (CSP41) | 0.08 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Spa_g10009 | CSP41A | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.05 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Spa_g12780 | CRB, HIP1.3, CSP41B | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.05 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Tin_g00898 | CRB, HIP1.3, CSP41B | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.07 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Tin_g08097 | CSP41A | endoribonuclease *(CSP41) & original description: none | 0.06 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Zm00001e029297_P001 | CRB, HIP1.3,... | endoribonuclease (CSP41) | 0.03 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Zm00001e033112_P001 | CSP41A, Zm00001e033112 | endoribonuclease (CSP41) | 0.03 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |