Ceric.06G009000.1 (ATMYB101, MYB101,...)

Aliases : ATMYB101, MYB101, ATM1, Ceric.06G009000

Description : not classified & original description: pacid=50620364 polypeptide=Ceric.06G009000.1.p locus=Ceric.06G009000 ID=Ceric.06G009000.1.v2.1 annot-version=v2.1

Gene families : OG0000080 (OrthoFinder output from all 47 species) Phylogenetic Tree(s): OG0000080_tree

Sequence : coding (download), protein (download)

Attention: This gene has low abundance.

Note:Only the main profile, including all conditions, is shown. Additional statistics and tissue specific profiles are available here.

Type Description Actions
Neighborhood HRR: Ceric.06G009000.1
Cluster HCCA: Cluster_92

Target Alias Description ECC score Gene Family Method Actions
AT1G17950 BW52, ATMYB52, MYB52 myb domain protein 52 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
AT5G17800 MYB56, AtMYB56 myb domain protein 56 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Aspi01Gene14847.t1 MYB70, AtMYB70,... MYB class-R2R3 subgroup-22/23 transcription factor &... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Azfi_s0130.g049054 MYB54, ATMYB54 not classified & original description: CDS=1-720 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Ceric.19G007400.1 LOF2, MYB105,... MYB class-R2R3 subgroup-21 transcription factor &... 0.04 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Dcu_g09101 LOF2, MYB105, ATMYB105 MYB class-R2R3 subgroup-21 transcription factor &... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Ehy_g24773 MYB77 MYB class-R2R3 subgroup-22/23 transcription factor &... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
LOC_Os04g08590.1 LOC_Os04g08590 no hits & (original description: none) 0.04 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
LOC_Os11g10130.1 BW52, ATMYB52,... transcription factor (MYB) 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Mp3g09350.1 AtMYB98, MYB98 transcription factor (MYB) 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Pp3c17_19960V3.1 Pp3c17_19960 No annotation 0.02 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Ppi_g12324 LOF2, MYB105, ATMYB105 MYB class-R2R3 subgroup-21 transcription factor &... 0.02 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Smo6091 AtMYB117, LOF1, MYB117 RNA biosynthesis.transcriptional activation.MYB... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Zm00001e004128_P003 AtMYB117, LOF1,... transcription factor (MYB) 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species

Type GO Term Name Evidence Source

No GO annotation available for this sequence

Type GO Term Name Evidence Source
MF GO:0005525 GTP binding IEP HCCA
MF GO:0019001 guanyl nucleotide binding IEP HCCA
MF GO:0032561 guanyl ribonucleotide binding IEP HCCA
InterPro domains Description Start Stop
IPR001005 SANT/Myb 134 174
IPR001005 SANT/Myb 81 127
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