AMTR_s00149p00097070 (evm_27.TU.AmTr_v1.0_sc...)

Aliases : evm_27.TU.AmTr_v1.0_scaffold00149.80

Description : RNA biosynthesis.transcriptional activation.C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor

Gene families : OG0000096 (OrthoFinder output from all 47 species) Phylogenetic Tree(s): OG0000096_tree

Sequence : coding (download), protein (download)

Note:Only the main profile, including all conditions, is shown. Additional statistics and tissue specific profiles are available here.

Type Description Actions
Neighborhood HRR: AMTR_s00149p00097070
Cluster HCCA: Cluster_28

Target Alias Description ECC score Gene Family Method Actions
AMTR_s00001p00272910 ZFP3,... RNA biosynthesis.transcriptional activation.C2H2 zinc... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
AMTR_s00019p00212840 ZFP4,... RNA biosynthesis.transcriptional activation.C2H2 zinc... 0.05 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
AMTR_s00022p00139230 RAB, RBE,... No description available 0.08 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
AMTR_s00024p00186840 GIS,... RNA biosynthesis.transcriptional activation.C2H2 zinc... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
AMTR_s00057p00086480 evm_27.TU.AmTr_v1... RNA biosynthesis.transcriptional activation.C2H2 zinc... 0.04 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
AMTR_s00079p00169240 evm_27.TU.AmTr_v1... RNA biosynthesis.transcriptional activation.C2H2 zinc... 0.06 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
AMTR_s00088p00145510 ZFP5,... RNA biosynthesis.transcriptional activation.C2H2 zinc... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
AMTR_s00124p00105750 KNU,... RNA biosynthesis.transcriptional activation.C2H2 zinc... 0.05 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
AT1G67030 ZFP6 zinc finger protein 6 0.05 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
AT1G68360 No alias C2H2 and C2HC zinc fingers superfamily protein 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
AT1G80730 ZFP1, ATZFP1 zinc-finger protein 1 0.04 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
AT3G09290 TAC1 telomerase activator1 0.05 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
AT3G23130 SUP, FLO10, FON1 C2H2 and C2HC zinc fingers superfamily protein 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
AT3G53820 No alias C2H2 and C2HC zinc fingers superfamily protein 0.05 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
AT5G10970 No alias C2H2 and C2HC zinc fingers superfamily protein 0.04 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
AT5G25160 ZFP3 zinc finger protein 3 0.04 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
AT5G43540 No alias C2H2 and C2HC zinc fingers superfamily protein 0.06 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
AT5G48890 No alias C2H2-like zinc finger protein 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
AT5G57520 ATZFP2, ZFP2 zinc finger protein 2 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Adi_g032518 No alias C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.02 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Adi_g033743 RAB, RBE C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.05 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Adi_g058301 No alias C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.02 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Adi_g058302 No alias C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Adi_g059756 No alias C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.02 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Adi_g069225 No alias C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Adi_g083195 No alias C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.02 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Adi_g119957 No alias not classified & original description: none 0.02 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Aev_g04136 No alias C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.02 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Aev_g05936 No alias C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Aev_g07088 No alias C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Ala_g10411 RAB, RBE C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.02 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Ala_g11579 ZFP8 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Ala_g22522 KNU C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.04 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Ala_g22523 KNU C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Als_g17619 No alias C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Aob_g03285 No alias C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.02 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Aop_g04986 RAB, RBE C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.02 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Aop_g13384 ZFP1, ATZFP1 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.02 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Aop_g27414 ZFP4 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Aop_g44076 No alias not classified & original description: none 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Aspi01Gene03058.t1 ZFP10, ATZFP10,... C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.05 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Aspi01Gene03060.t1 ZFP10, ATZFP10,... C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Aspi01Gene22629.t1 Aspi01Gene22629 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.04 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Aspi01Gene22630.t1 Aspi01Gene22630 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.04 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Aspi01Gene25107.t1 Aspi01Gene25107 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Aspi01Gene32976.t1 Aspi01Gene32976 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Aspi01Gene39580.t1 GIS2, Aspi01Gene39580 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.06 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Aspi01Gene39584.t1 ZFP3, Aspi01Gene39584 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.05 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Aspi01Gene39589.t1 KNU, Aspi01Gene39589 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Aspi01Gene39590.t1 Aspi01Gene39590 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.05 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Aspi01Gene51181.t1 KNU, Aspi01Gene51181 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.06 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Aspi01Gene51187.t1 ZFP6, Aspi01Gene51187 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.05 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Aspi01Gene53966.t1 RAB, RBE, Aspi01Gene53966 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Aspi01Gene56786.t1 Aspi01Gene56786 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.04 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Aspi01Gene61235.t1 Aspi01Gene61235 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.04 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Aspi01Gene68036.t1 Aspi01Gene68036 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Azfi_s0014.g013503 GIS2 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Azfi_s0065.g035758 ZFP1, ATZFP1 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.02 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Azfi_s0210.g058099 ZFP7 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Cba_g28748 No alias C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.02 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Ceric.05G076800.1 ZFP10, ATZFP10,... not classified & original description: pacid=50577410... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Ceric.05G076900.1 ZFP10, ATZFP10,... not classified & original description: pacid=50579147... 0.04 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Ceric.1Z195100.1 ZFP10, ATZFP10,... not classified & original description: pacid=50637475... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Ceric.1Z195200.1 ZFP10, ATZFP10,... not classified & original description: pacid=50637476... 0.04 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Ceric.1Z238700.1 ZFP10, ATZFP10,... not classified & original description: pacid=50637267... 0.05 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Ceric.1Z257400.1 ZFP10, ATZFP10,... not classified & original description: pacid=50606317... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Ceric.23G038400.1 Ceric.23G038400 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Ceric.32G009700.1 Ceric.32G009700 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Ceric.36G065600.1 RAB, RBE, Ceric.36G065600 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Dac_g01554 ZFP10, ATZFP10 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Dac_g07348 No alias C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.02 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Dac_g24028 KNU C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.04 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Dac_g27985 RAB, RBE C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Dac_g38400 GIS2 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.06 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Dcu_g00797 No alias C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Dcu_g03678 ZFP3 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.02 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Dcu_g10623 No alias C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.04 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Dcu_g10877 No alias C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Dcu_g19018 No alias C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.04 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Dcu_g23173 No alias C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.02 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Dcu_g33065 No alias C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Dde_g39982 ZFP8 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.04 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Dde_g47144 No alias not classified & original description: none 0.04 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Ehy_g22556 No alias C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Ehy_g27351 No alias C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Ehy_g30781 No alias not classified & original description: none 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
GSVIVT01011868001 No alias RNA biosynthesis.transcriptional activation.C2H2 zinc... 0.04 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
GSVIVT01013168001 No alias RNA biosynthesis.transcriptional activation.C2H2 zinc... 0.05 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
GSVIVT01016493001 RAB, RBE RNA biosynthesis.transcriptional activation.C2H2 zinc... 0.09 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
GSVIVT01027720001 SUP, FLO10, FON1 RNA biosynthesis.transcriptional activation.C2H2 zinc... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
GSVIVT01028555001 No alias RNA biosynthesis.transcriptional activation.C2H2 zinc... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
GSVIVT01031007001 No alias RNA biosynthesis.transcriptional activation.C2H2 zinc... 0.07 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Gb_03650 ZFP3 C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.02 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Gb_04808 JGL, NUB no hits & (original description: none) 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Gb_25685 GIS2 C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Gb_27734 ZFP10, ATZFP10 Zinc finger protein 10 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana... 0.05 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
LOC_Os01g04120.1 LOC_Os01g04120 C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.05 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
LOC_Os01g32920.1 LOC_Os01g32920 C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
LOC_Os02g01090.1 RAB, RBE, LOC_Os02g01090 C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
LOC_Os02g57550.1 LOC_Os02g57550 C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.02 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
LOC_Os03g05490.1 LOC_Os03g05490 no hits & (original description: none) 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
LOC_Os03g41110.1 ZFP7, LOC_Os03g41110 C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
LOC_Os03g57240.1 LOC_Os03g57240 C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
LOC_Os04g08600.1 SUP, FLO10,... no hits & (original description: none) 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
LOC_Os04g50070.1 ZFP10, ATZFP10,... C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
LOC_Os05g14130.1 LOC_Os05g14130 no hits & (original description: none) 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
LOC_Os07g01180.1 ZFP10, ATZFP10,... C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.04 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
LOC_Os07g23450.1 LOC_Os07g23450 no hits & (original description: none) 0.12 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
LOC_Os07g40300.1 ZFP7, LOC_Os07g40300 C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.02 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
LOC_Os08g44190.1 ATZFP2, ZFP2,... C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
LOC_Os09g26200.1 ZFP3, LOC_Os09g26200 C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.04 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
LOC_Os09g26210.1 ATZFP2, ZFP2,... C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
LOC_Os09g27320.1 ZFP8, LOC_Os09g27320 C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.04 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
LOC_Os09g38610.1 ATZFP2, ZFP2,... C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
LOC_Os11g48000.1 ZFP10, ATZFP10,... C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.05 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
LOC_Os12g42250.1 LOC_Os12g42250 C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Len_g10074 ZFP10, ATZFP10 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Len_g45492 No alias not classified & original description: none 0.04 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Len_g49598 No alias C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.02 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Lfl_g17881 GIS2 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Lfl_g23477 ATZFP2, ZFP2 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
MA_10430024g0010 No alias C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
MA_110160g0010 No alias no hits & (original description: none) 0.02 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
MA_114098g0010 ZFP6 C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
MA_123573g0010 KNU C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.06 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
MA_2800g0010 No alias C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.05 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
MA_357706g0010 ZFP10, ATZFP10 C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
MA_424g0010 No alias C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
MA_57615g0010 ZFP1, ATZFP1 C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Msp_g19373 ZFP1, ATZFP1 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Msp_g36746 RAB, RBE C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.08 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Nbi_g10608 No alias C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Nbi_g22027 No alias not classified & original description: none 0.02 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Nbi_g40971 RAB, RBE C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Ore_g06363 No alias not classified & original description: none 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Ore_g14881 ZFP10, ATZFP10 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Ore_g28780 ZFP11, ATZFP11 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.02 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Ore_g30209 ZFP10, ATZFP10 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.04 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Ore_g34101 No alias C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.06 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Ore_g34996 No alias C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.04 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Ore_g36220 No alias C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.02 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Ore_g36250 RAB, RBE C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Ore_g45087 No alias not classified & original description: none 0.02 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Pir_g18996 ZFP10, ATZFP10 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Pir_g19764 No alias C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.02 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Pir_g21478 RAB, RBE C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.07 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Pir_g38006 No alias C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.02 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Pir_g47303 No alias not classified & original description: none 0.04 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Pnu_g00812 No alias C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Pp3c6_19230V3.1 Pp3c6_19230 C2H2 and C2HC zinc fingers superfamily protein 0.02 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Ppi_g10475 ZFP6 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.02 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Ppi_g12483 JGL, NUB transcriptional regulator *(JAG/NUB) & original description: none 0.02 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Ppi_g33201 ZFP5 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.02 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Ppi_g59122 ZFP5 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.04 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Sacu_v1.1_s0001.g000637 RAB, RBE C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.04 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Sacu_v1.1_s0005.g002709 ZFP1, ATZFP1 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Sacu_v1.1_s0125.g021695 RAB, RBE C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Sacu_v1.1_s0150.g023323 No alias C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Sam_g05161 No alias C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Solyc01g060420.2.1 ZFP6, Solyc01g060420 C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.04 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Solyc03g117070.1.1 Solyc03g117070 C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.06 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Solyc05g006310.3.1 ZFP5, Solyc05g006310 C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Solyc05g009180.1.1 Solyc05g009180 C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.05 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Solyc06g053720.3.1 SUP, FLO10,... C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.04 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Solyc07g006880.1.1 ATZFP2, ZFP2,... C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.02 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Solyc09g011120.1.1 ZFP10, ATZFP10,... C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.08 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Solyc09g066250.1.1 Solyc09g066250 no hits & (original description: none) 0.05 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Solyc10g078990.1.1 GIS, Solyc10g078990 C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Solyc10g084910.3.1 TAC1, Solyc10g084910 no hits & (original description: none) 0.06 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Spa_g03417 No alias not classified & original description: none 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Spa_g41345 SUP, FLO10, FON1 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.04 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Spa_g52372 ZFP1, ATZFP1 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.05 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Tin_g19895 ZFP10, ATZFP10 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.02 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Tin_g25342 ZFP8 C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.02 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Tin_g38082 RAB, RBE C2H2 subclass ZFP transcription factor & original... 0.06 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Zm00001e009853_P001 ATZFP2, ZFP2,... C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.02 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Zm00001e009854_P001 ATZFP2, ZFP2,... C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Zm00001e010687_P001 ZFP7, Zm00001e010687 C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Zm00001e011910_P001 Zm00001e011910 C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Zm00001e012453_P001 ZFP1, ATZFP1,... C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.05 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Zm00001e016256_P001 Zm00001e016256 C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Zm00001e017009_P001 Zm00001e017009 C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.06 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Zm00001e020926_P001 Zm00001e020926 C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.04 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Zm00001e022212_P001 ZFP8, Zm00001e022212 C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.04 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Zm00001e025746_P001 Zm00001e025746 C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.05 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Zm00001e030783_P001 ZFP8, Zm00001e030783 C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.04 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Zm00001e032639_P001 ZFP10, ATZFP10,... C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Zm00001e034883_P001 ATZFP2, ZFP2,... C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.05 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Zm00001e035448_P001 ZFP7, Zm00001e035448 C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.02 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Zm00001e036220_P001 ZFP8, Zm00001e036220 C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Zm00001e036816_P001 ZFP6, Zm00001e036816 C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species
Zm00001e037946_P001 ATZFP2, ZFP2,... C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor 0.03 OrthoFinder output from all 47 species

Type GO Term Name Evidence Source

No GO annotation available for this sequence

Type GO Term Name Evidence Source

No Predicted GO terms available for this sequence

No InterPro domains available for this sequence

No external refs found!