AMTR_s00008p00203090 | AGO4, OCP11,... | Chromatin organisation.DNA methylation.canonical... | 0.03 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
AT5G43810 | PNH, AGO10, ZLL | Stabilizer of iron transporter SufD / Polynucleotidyl transferase | 0.03 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Als_g06375 | AGO9 | siRNA-integrating factor *(AGO) & original description: none | 0.02 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Ceric.28G056900.1 | AGO1, Ceric.28G056900 | miRNA recruiting factor (AGO) of RNA-induced silencing... | 0.03 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
ChrSy.fgenesh.mRNA.6 | No alias | no hits & (original description: none) | 0.02 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Dcu_g18764 | AGO1 | regulatory protein *(AGO7) of transacting siRNA pathway... | 0.02 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Dde_g37805 | AGO1 | regulatory protein *(AGO7) of transacting siRNA pathway... | 0.02 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Ehy_g18181 | AGO1 | regulatory protein *(AGO7) of transacting siRNA pathway... | 0.03 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
GSVIVT01018054001 | PNH, AGO10, ZLL | Chromatin organisation.DNA methylation.canonical... | 0.03 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
LOC_Os02g58490.1 | AGO1, LOC_Os02g58490 | RIS-Complex miRNA recruiting factor (AGO1) | 0.02 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
LOC_Os04g06770.2 | AGO4, OCP11,... | siRNA-integrating factor (AGO) | 0.03 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
LOC_Os04g47870.1 | AGO1, LOC_Os04g47870 | RIS-Complex miRNA recruiting factor (AGO1) | 0.03 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
LOC_Os06g39640.1 | PNH, AGO10, ZLL,... | RIS-Complex miRNA recruiting factor (AGO1) | 0.03 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Len_g23067 | AGO1 | miRNA recruiting factor (AGO) of RNA-induced silencing... | 0.02 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Len_g59218 | AGO9 | not classified & original description: none | 0.04 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
MA_10427420g0010 | AGO1 | Protein argonaute PNH1 OS=Oryza sativa subsp. japonica... | 0.03 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
MA_14457g0010 | AGO9 | Protein argonaute 4A OS=Oryza sativa subsp. japonica... | 0.04 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Mp1g23190.1 | AGO9 | siRNA-integrating factor (AGO) | 0.02 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Sam_g38422 | No alias | regulatory protein *(AGO7) of transacting siRNA pathway... | 0.04 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Spa_g05727 | AGO1 | regulatory protein *(AGO7) of transacting siRNA pathway... | 0.03 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Spa_g09278 | AGO1 | not classified & original description: none | 0.04 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Zm00001e013340_P001 | AGO1, Zm00001e013340 | RIS-Complex miRNA recruiting factor (AGO1) | 0.02 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Zm00001e016179_P001 | PNH, AGO10, ZLL,... | Protein argonaute MEL1 OS=Oryza sativa subsp. japonica... | 0.03 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Zm00001e041452_P004 | AGO1, Zm00001e041452 | RIS-Complex miRNA recruiting factor (AGO1) | 0.03 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |