AMTR_s00005p00141350 | evm_27.TU.AmTr_v1... | MACPF domain-containing protein At1g14780 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana | 0.03 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
AMTR_s00162p00048220 | CAD1,... | MACPF domain-containing protein CAD1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana | 0.04 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
AT1G28380 | NSL1 | MAC/Perforin domain-containing protein | 0.03 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
AT4G24290 | No alias | MAC/Perforin domain-containing protein | 0.02 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Aob_g12401 | No alias | regulatory protein *(CAD1) of Programmed Cell Death &... | 0.02 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Aop_g00734 | No alias | regulatory protein *(CAD1) of Programmed Cell Death &... | 0.03 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Aspi01Gene14143.t1 | Aspi01Gene14143 | regulatory protein *(CAD1) of Programmed Cell Death &... | 0.02 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Aspi01Gene14144.t1 | Aspi01Gene14144 | regulatory protein *(CAD1) of Programmed Cell Death &... | 0.02 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Ceric.11G074000.1 | Ceric.11G074000 | not classified & original description: pacid=50595318... | 0.04 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Ceric.32G041500.1 | CAD1, Ceric.32G041500 | regulatory protein *(CAD1) of Programmed Cell Death &... | 0.03 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Dcu_g09519 | No alias | regulatory protein *(CAD1) of Programmed Cell Death &... | 0.05 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Dde_g11638 | CAD1 | regulatory protein *(CAD1) of Programmed Cell Death &... | 0.04 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Ehy_g09173 | No alias | regulatory protein *(CAD1) of Programmed Cell Death &... | 0.02 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
GSVIVT01031622001 | No alias | MACPF domain-containing protein At4g24290 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana | 0.06 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
LOC_Os01g54510.1 | CAD1, LOC_Os01g54510 | MACPF domain-containing protein CAD1 OS=Arabidopsis... | 0.06 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
LOC_Os02g27480.1 | LOC_Os02g27480 | MACPF domain-containing protein At1g14780 OS=Arabidopsis... | 0.03 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Len_g13186 | CAD1 | regulatory protein *(CAD1) of Programmed Cell Death &... | 0.03 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Nbi_g09201 | No alias | regulatory protein *(CAD1) of Programmed Cell Death &... | 0.03 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Nbi_g10192 | No alias | regulatory protein *(CAD1) of Programmed Cell Death &... | 0.04 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Pir_g10877 | CAD1 | regulatory protein *(CAD1) of Programmed Cell Death &... | 0.03 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Sacu_v1.1_s0003.g001585 | No alias | not classified & original description: CDS=1-2223 | 0.02 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Sam_g13565 | No alias | regulatory protein *(CAD1) of Programmed Cell Death &... | 0.03 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Sam_g19382 | No alias | regulatory protein *(CAD1) of Programmed Cell Death &... | 0.05 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Sam_g26335 | No alias | regulatory protein *(CAD1) of Programmed Cell Death &... | 0.04 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Smo234182 | CAD1 | MACPF domain-containing protein CAD1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana | 0.02 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Smo80474 | CAD1 | MACPF domain-containing protein CAD1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana | 0.05 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Solyc01g103490.3.1 | Solyc01g103490 | MACPF domain-containing protein At4g24290 OS=Arabidopsis... | 0.03 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Solyc02g071780.3.1 | CAD1, Solyc02g071780 | MACPF domain-containing protein CAD1 OS=Arabidopsis... | 0.07 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Solyc02g077780.3.1 | NSL1, Solyc02g077780 | MACPF domain-containing protein NSL1 OS=Arabidopsis... | 0.04 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Solyc04g048950.4.1 | Solyc04g048950 | MACPF domain-containing protein At4g24290 OS=Arabidopsis... | 0.04 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Solyc09g098070.3.1 | Solyc09g098070 | MACPF domain-containing protein At1g14780 OS=Arabidopsis... | 0.03 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Solyc10g085710.3.1 | CAD1, Solyc10g085710 | MACPF domain-containing protein CAD1 OS=Arabidopsis... | 0.04 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Spa_g07043 | No alias | regulatory protein *(CAD1) of Programmed Cell Death &... | 0.03 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Tin_g02759 | CAD1 | regulatory protein *(CAD1) of Programmed Cell Death &... | 0.03 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |
Zm00001e028292_P001 | Zm00001e028292 | MACPF domain-containing protein At4g24290 OS=Arabidopsis... | 0.02 | OrthoFinder output from all 47 species | |