condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	0.0	0.0	0.0
Ovary	5.348626666666666	3.9299	6.40443
Ovule	5.3961915	0.031356	21.2812
Microspore	0.0	0.0	0.0
Bicellular microspore	0.0	0.0	0.0
Pollen (mature)	0.02973684864864865	0.0	0.167373
Pollen tube	0.05504936666666667	0.0132918	0.120866
Sperm cell	0.0172633	0.0	0.0517616
Pollen tube	0.05504936666666667	0.0132918	0.120866
Tassels (primordia)	12.7183175	8.20397	16.9208
Tassels (anther)	9.722570769230769	5.57168	15.3629
Tassels	22.254202125	0.528763	93.4249
Silk	0.2130215	0.0	0.426043
Ear	12.75306133	0.0	33.6055
Ear (immature)	25.99205	21.7749	29.9699
Ear (inflorescence)	8.637170000000001	8.32365	8.95069
Ear (primordia)	23.983913333333334	1.60213	99.7935
Zygote (12 HAP)	0.11889016666666667	0.0643594	0.22752
Zygote (24 HAP)	0.091253	0.0	0.154145
Daughter cell (apical)	0.019271466666666667	0.0	0.0578144
Daughter cell (basal)	0.010081066666666668	0.0	0.0302432
Embryo	2.2357894444444444	0.0	8.447
Nucellus	13.7731	11.362	16.1842
Endopserm	0.26228772857142857	0.0	1.47841
Kernel	2.9573256666666667	0.0	10.4467
Kernel (germinating)	3.127415	1.3177	4.93713
Seeds	3.5639556	0.0	12.0578
Embryo Sac	0.0	0.0	0.0
Pericarp and aleurone	0.510143	0.510143	0.510143
Coleoptile (5 day)	2.6586266666666667	2.54333	2.82815
Seedling	4.987895608695652	0.215507	20.0251
Internode	0.4137298714285715	0.0	2.59405
Sheath	5.2599149999999995	1.62177	8.89806
Shoot (apex)	5.147354744	0.486085	29.5702
Shoot	5.6329244166666665	0.337007	7.92647
Whole plant	8.543535	4.6334	12.6882
Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue	11.5606	11.3991	11.7221
Meristem (SAM with Laser capture)	0.9792333333333333	0.941148	1.01407
Apical meristem	28.0044	28.0044	28.0044
Stem and meristem	4.81909	4.63767	5.00051
Stems	0.2881275875	0.0	0.620961
Stem (Internode)	1.9605385666666666	0.0714727	5.56908
Leaf	0.8052528801801802	0.0	9.29569
Leaf (apex)	14.91176	9.30162	20.5219
Leaf (bundle sheath)	0.472809	0.255181	0.690437
Leaf (mesophyll)	0.091115	0.0	0.273345
Leaf (seedlings)	0.025203793333333332	0.0	0.178277
Leaf and kernel	0.41351033333333337	0.0	0.834909
Ear (leaf)	0.590376	0.590376	0.590376
Root	5.0495284583333335	0.284107	24.9457
Root (elongation zone)	7.8319149999999995	4.20067	13.7827
Root (meristematic zone)	4.241995	3.67469	4.8093
Root (stele)	0.8798502500000001	0.165348	1.37169
whole crown root (20-30 mm)	9.4016	9.4016	9.4016
Secondary root	7.13923	7.13923	7.13923
Root, root hairs removed	14.814	14.814	14.814
Root (maturation zone)	10.1468	10.1468	10.1468