condition mean min max Egg cell 0.09247376666666667 0.0 0.183026 Ovary 1.2011180000000001 0.862074 1.53184 Ovule 9.952679999999999 4.79537 21.7642 Microspore 3.6769408 0.423364 6.34573 Bicellular microspore 0.727989 0.727989 0.727989 Pollen (mature) 0.9242714324324325 0.119865 3.95824 Pollen tube 0.4599098333333333 0.278873 0.642133 Sperm cell 0.09822344285714285 0.0183547 0.191411 Pollen tube 0.4599098333333333 0.278873 0.642133 Tassels (primordia) 35.757175000000004 30.4116 44.4073 Tassels (anther) 16.984642307692308 9.32986 30.1321 Tassels 20.71763125 4.04687 46.9573 Silk 28.43939 3.65778 53.221 Ear 13.6166011 0.600029 33.8036 Ear (immature) 14.869823333333335 7.09364 16.9998 Ear (inflorescence) 13.136040000000001 8.48298 17.7891 Ear (primordia) 36.431615 4.45589 49.3666 Zygote (12 HAP) 10.299273333333334 7.42216 15.7636 Zygote (24 HAP) 22.173233333333332 18.0292 26.3842 Daughter cell (apical) 24.1215 19.086 27.5882 Daughter cell (basal) 24.779366666666668 22.6331 28.971 Embryo 28.862862222222223 1.12016 46.2925 Nucellus 33.7842 33.6907 33.8777 Endopserm 10.740716428571428 2.39306 26.6819 Kernel 14.943188333333334 3.37752 28.0439 Kernel (germinating) 13.914950000000001 11.9491 15.8808 Seeds 28.355686363636362 2.59508 57.3604 Embryo Sac 14.2716 12.0168 16.5264 Pericarp and aleurone 6.34919 6.34919 6.34919 Coleoptile (5 day) 43.627266666666664 29.3091 52.1402 Seedling 10.59298447826087 0.363381 22.5721 Internode 4.763854285714285 1.57466 8.87018 Sheath 25.6431 21.9843 29.3019 Shoot (apex) 17.3403196 3.78473 37.7314 Shoot 5.9296026416666665 0.0883387 12.9435 Whole plant 6.8140525 4.98607 8.43034 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 8.90784 7.84663 9.96905 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 24.6296 20.8053 26.983 Apical meristem 27.1101 27.1101 27.1101 Stem and meristem 30.0387 29.0282 31.0492 Stems 18.405514625 0.931367 41.9711 Stem (Internode) 4.9050633333333336 1.62168 11.3683 Leaf 1.4229410522522523 0.0 28.5438 Leaf (apex) 27.27835 22.5105 32.0462 Leaf (bundle sheath) 2.167895 0.0 4.33579 Leaf (mesophyll) 1.1082152 0.0469286 2.72494 Leaf (seedlings) 0.44349528 0.0 2.77241 Leaf and kernel 0.18239161666666667 0.0798967 0.284919 Ear (leaf) 0.0492666 0.0492666 0.0492666 Root 21.501880520833332 1.01844 64.0173 Root (elongation zone) 56.3071925 9.09447 106.136 Root (meristematic zone) 38.06725 34.8421 41.2924 Root (stele) 30.606175 25.2138 35.5138 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 38.46 38.46 38.46 Secondary root 9.16038 9.16038 9.16038 Root, root hairs removed 31.98 31.98 31.98 Root (maturation zone) 10.0901 10.0901 10.0901