condition mean min max Egg cell 7.2772033333333335 3.0545 14.3014 Ovary 2.2398766666666665 1.46817 2.70102 Ovule 8.529365 5.67379 11.857 Microspore 0.60845172 0.0 2.07145 Bicellular microspore 0.0356571 0.0356571 0.0356571 Pollen (mature) 0.926860972972973 0.0 5.06963 Pollen tube 3.0900683333333334 1.83911 4.60408 Sperm cell 17.797034571428572 0.631648 41.5263 Pollen tube 3.0900683333333334 1.83911 4.60408 Tassels (primordia) 30.783 25.7739 39.3487 Tassels (anther) 6.353518461538462 3.08855 12.3664 Tassels 16.210475 2.89248 66.907 Silk 7.188405 1.37101 13.0058 Ear 13.550077 2.2002 29.734 Ear (immature) 19.827616666666668 17.1764 23.3014 Ear (inflorescence) 3.130795 2.44673 3.81486 Ear (primordia) 25.711550000000003 17.9947 49.4294 Zygote (12 HAP) 78.68886666666667 70.0609 84.855 Zygote (24 HAP) 68.30879999999999 55.1012 84.6433 Daughter cell (apical) 11.290273333333333 7.95202 15.7926 Daughter cell (basal) 17.373133333333335 13.9063 23.974 Embryo 27.496772222222223 5.69385 53.9696 Nucellus 4.46975 4.20638 4.73312 Endopserm 3.8722035714285714 1.26849 10.9691 Kernel 7.59887 3.16615 14.4674 Kernel (germinating) 12.34995 12.0062 12.6937 Seeds 8.090998787878787 2.41206 14.2786 Embryo Sac 13.81054 8.02878 19.5923 Pericarp and aleurone 13.7576 13.7576 13.7576 Coleoptile (5 day) 21.051566666666666 19.5329 21.9929 Seedling 16.26416608695652 4.51557 39.6639 Internode 12.916321428571429 5.95515 21.5136 Sheath 18.3065 17.9586 18.6544 Shoot (apex) 29.9503504 14.8881 49.3403 Shoot 11.60465 6.24204 31.7694 Whole plant 34.1881 16.53 49.0527 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 15.4053 15.3995 15.4111 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 25.301433333333332 21.3675 30.1297 Apical meristem 26.1428 26.1428 26.1428 Stem and meristem 16.53655 15.0442 18.0289 Stems 14.570958749999999 9.26907 19.2439 Stem (Internode) 12.026399999999999 7.469 18.4043 Leaf 10.20442918918919 0.960615 43.6652 Leaf (apex) 23.097299999999997 16.7503 29.4443 Leaf (bundle sheath) 12.264 5.6313 18.8967 Leaf (mesophyll) 11.18043 7.81563 16.3757 Leaf (seedlings) 3.9839893333333336 0.98818 10.6326 Leaf and kernel 8.363023333333333 6.19491 10.4963 Ear (leaf) 2.9862 2.9862 2.9862 Root 24.202208125 9.92268 48.4068 Root (elongation zone) 22.186675 12.6259 29.6208 Root (meristematic zone) 10.217405 9.90751 10.5273 Root (stele) 18.293375 13.3203 20.5695 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 32.6174 32.6174 32.6174 Secondary root 15.0661 15.0661 15.0661 Root, root hairs removed 26.4772 26.4772 26.4772 Root (maturation zone) 10.5729 10.5729 10.5729