condition mean min max Egg cell 113.89466666666667 76.4589 182.039 Ovary 4.022616666666667 2.61648 4.99704 Ovule 32.389125 14.8968 58.1018 Microspore 57.884134 2.99557 179.074 Bicellular microspore 5.69731 5.69731 5.69731 Pollen (mature) 16.306718648648648 2.5386 48.9745 Pollen tube 12.313533333333334 11.0862 14.6633 Sperm cell 47.288869999999996 5.89439 89.9707 Pollen tube 12.313533333333334 11.0862 14.6633 Tassels (primordia) 44.553650000000005 33.1702 60.9003 Tassels (anther) 85.49766153846154 52.8224 113.724 Tassels 61.39540125 6.60871 92.0515 Silk 40.4491 12.9769 67.9213 Ear 31.565839999999998 12.6803 90.5108 Ear (immature) 24.513466666666666 14.2382 28.9089 Ear (inflorescence) 29.690649999999998 17.77 41.6113 Ear (primordia) 34.93865 10.3465 43.6739 Zygote (12 HAP) 114.06813333333334 91.3124 140.062 Zygote (24 HAP) 109.29666666666667 97.47 116.89 Daughter cell (apical) 53.9457 47.244 58.4299 Daughter cell (basal) 63.960699999999996 62.9916 65.0586 Embryo 45.1464 24.781 71.5166 Nucellus 72.4311 72.1991 72.6631 Endopserm 16.15712357142857 2.59416 43.3611 Kernel 33.217025 15.1248 61.395 Kernel (germinating) 30.884500000000003 30.071 31.698 Seeds 48.92985363636364 9.58707 85.2863 Embryo Sac 67.59155 31.7121 103.471 Pericarp and aleurone 18.2896 18.2896 18.2896 Coleoptile (5 day) 29.194499999999998 25.0124 31.833 Seedling 20.999300869565218 6.92078 56.1102 Internode 31.556214285714287 14.1717 46.3997 Sheath 29.60785 26.4491 32.7666 Shoot (apex) 43.884744 19.2552 73.3301 Shoot 14.14649 9.21985 22.6957 Whole plant 29.102124999999997 18.426 43.2666 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 23.7682 21.4972 26.0392 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 121.403 102.736 135.44 Apical meristem 40.5091 40.5091 40.5091 Stem and meristem 36.11345 35.7013 36.5256 Stems 42.522775 32.4486 50.3507 Stem (Internode) 35.756366666666665 31.8798 42.9653 Leaf 17.89169990990991 2.48722 42.2133 Leaf (apex) 36.29474999999999 35.0226 37.5669 Leaf (bundle sheath) 12.36654 9.52928 15.2038 Leaf (mesophyll) 14.733366666666667 11.2284 18.9403 Leaf (seedlings) 7.110352866666666 0.929783 19.5057 Leaf and kernel 8.820423333333334 6.8961 11.8848 Ear (leaf) 20.0927 20.0927 20.0927 Root 34.645020520833334 9.85973 53.1554 Root (elongation zone) 33.799225 13.8651 55.59 Root (meristematic zone) 46.5213 43.0354 50.0072 Root (stele) 53.030675 41.6118 58.6651 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 32.9531 32.9531 32.9531 Secondary root 13.4889 13.4889 13.4889 Root, root hairs removed 36.3708 36.3708 36.3708 Root (maturation zone) 18.7933 18.7933 18.7933