condition mean min max Egg cell 6.41395 2.4363 13.4565 Ovary 2.448993333333333 1.7484 3.14614 Ovule 5.6734325 2.5396 12.8843 Microspore 1.9570723 0.0766265 4.25595 Bicellular microspore 0.0907574 0.0907574 0.0907574 Pollen (mature) 2.482922135135135 0.165268 5.41617 Pollen tube 4.009611666666666 3.56569 4.75128 Sperm cell 0.20998955714285714 0.0 1.15018 Pollen tube 4.009611666666666 3.56569 4.75128 Tassels (primordia) 26.0498 22.1006 31.2896 Tassels (anther) 9.635389230769231 4.58594 15.0027 Tassels 10.0348725 5.54578 17.9595 Silk 1.838054 0.651778 3.02433 Ear 13.062818 5.38162 24.6847 Ear (immature) 15.6204 14.2236 16.5359 Ear (inflorescence) 10.898515 9.01623 12.7808 Ear (primordia) 26.053983333333335 19.9228 34.8282 Zygote (12 HAP) 11.559899999999999 8.6138 13.1777 Zygote (24 HAP) 14.196233333333334 11.0174 16.5027 Daughter cell (apical) 7.294523333333333 5.1791 9.07703 Daughter cell (basal) 5.18684 4.6016 6.18781 Embryo 10.305617777777778 4.05789 14.1746 Nucellus 16.89515 15.4203 18.37 Endopserm 5.589349642857143 0.650055 18.6527 Kernel 8.1874675 4.39569 14.405 Kernel (germinating) 8.008855 6.51109 9.50662 Seeds 9.392669393939395 1.81258 15.3539 Embryo Sac 11.521505000000001 6.34961 16.6934 Pericarp and aleurone 2.90867 2.90867 2.90867 Coleoptile (5 day) 16.897100000000002 13.9639 19.4492 Seedling 9.149381739130435 1.76286 14.6973 Internode 8.691230000000001 5.04066 11.5197 Sheath 13.32365 13.1612 13.4861 Shoot (apex) 10.7538628 3.78835 19.7204 Shoot 6.044431666666666 4.43004 9.2495 Whole plant 8.2583775 5.67936 11.6871 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 7.481765 6.71007 8.25346 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 9.582773333333334 6.05462 11.5264 Apical meristem 25.3627 25.3627 25.3627 Stem and meristem 15.381450000000001 14.9477 15.8152 Stems 9.48273375 6.74417 13.7342 Stem (Internode) 7.9186700000000005 6.71013 8.82503 Leaf 10.625501261261261 3.15661 25.4842 Leaf (apex) 18.068849999999998 15.0443 21.0934 Leaf (bundle sheath) 9.878919999999999 7.15534 12.6025 Leaf (mesophyll) 11.604800000000001 10.3353 12.3938 Leaf (seedlings) 3.8788487333333332 0.347326 9.67864 Leaf and kernel 4.59708 2.94409 8.45641 Ear (leaf) 8.20879 8.20879 8.20879 Root 7.925129479166666 1.92997 34.5915 Root (elongation zone) 3.5413775 1.98583 4.56335 Root (meristematic zone) 19.899050000000003 19.0892 20.7089 Root (stele) 7.8067125 6.74538 8.93335 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 6.94733 6.94733 6.94733 Secondary root 7.25069 7.25069 7.25069 Root, root hairs removed 11.6114 11.6114 11.6114 Root (maturation zone) 13.6432 13.6432 13.6432