condition mean min max Egg cell 3.8534566666666668 1.95484 4.99219 Ovary 2.125166666666667 1.46846 2.7714 Ovule 9.492325000000001 5.28772 16.0912 Microspore 0.5371433 0.0397636 1.46021 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 0.12190545675675676 0.0 0.607265 Pollen tube 0.05434033333333334 0.0275326 0.0784016 Sperm cell 0.25594732857142855 0.0 0.791869 Pollen tube 0.05434033333333334 0.0275326 0.0784016 Tassels (primordia) 22.921575 17.904 26.9403 Tassels (anther) 23.188523076923076 12.2877 44.4075 Tassels 8.59462625 2.61657 13.5129 Silk 4.7547999999999995 3.3227 6.1869 Ear 17.005649000000002 6.83198 30.356 Ear (immature) 12.506083333333335 10.2786 17.077 Ear (inflorescence) 12.84795 11.4314 14.2645 Ear (primordia) 22.612303333333333 5.55002 33.4816 Zygote (12 HAP) 3.2891833333333333 2.96739 3.78473 Zygote (24 HAP) 2.0587633333333333 1.72782 2.27627 Daughter cell (apical) 3.72149 3.55391 3.97861 Daughter cell (basal) 1.9577733333333334 1.45492 2.71267 Embryo 16.67184 6.88021 27.4071 Nucellus 27.71235 27.4397 27.985 Endopserm 7.69759 4.26057 18.4233 Kernel 13.244583333333333 6.14055 23.579 Kernel (germinating) 25.91085 24.9853 26.8364 Seeds 17.35213909090909 9.28543 29.1877 Embryo Sac 10.629285 8.43097 12.8276 Pericarp and aleurone 4.7978 4.7978 4.7978 Coleoptile (5 day) 15.7646 11.8346 18.1842 Seedling 21.40495304347826 9.79862 33.7372 Internode 26.397285714285715 14.7026 31.3057 Sheath 22.05 19.285 24.815 Shoot (apex) 24.47955312 8.11772 69.3394 Shoot 9.709606666666666 5.76934 23.536 Whole plant 29.100975 14.0505 41.217 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 12.69835 12.6703 12.7264 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 6.518963333333334 5.5968 7.36655 Apical meristem 13.4098 13.4098 13.4098 Stem and meristem 18.52225 18.1929 18.8516 Stems 26.781525 23.6252 30.0092 Stem (Internode) 26.375633333333333 21.2161 31.8004 Leaf 18.440982014414413 0.0902906 56.076 Leaf (apex) 21.99805 20.0634 23.9327 Leaf (bundle sheath) 9.597935 8.13827 11.0576 Leaf (mesophyll) 10.019960000000001 7.07178 11.9631 Leaf (seedlings) 13.070947333333333 3.58569 24.626 Leaf and kernel 19.427233333333334 15.1113 28.7002 Ear (leaf) 16.5707 16.5707 16.5707 Root 17.369273854166668 4.8584 33.3609 Root (elongation zone) 12.16363 5.30094 23.1756 Root (meristematic zone) 9.505704999999999 8.90841 10.103 Root (stele) 22.603325 17.3774 25.6207 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 17.6525 17.6525 17.6525 Secondary root 8.63827 8.63827 8.63827 Root, root hairs removed 12.427 12.427 12.427 Root (maturation zone) 4.77056 4.77056 4.77056