condition mean min max Egg cell 6.975836666666667 3.60305 12.1211 Ovary 7.437796666666666 4.39054 9.68285 Ovule 43.867025 19.406 87.4777 Microspore 53.00988 0.13036 200.817 Bicellular microspore 1.68611 1.68611 1.68611 Pollen (mature) 0.6086182783783783 0.0782909 1.95927 Pollen tube 0.46971083333333336 0.290213 0.796263 Sperm cell 3.040682 0.252675 7.50384 Pollen tube 0.46971083333333336 0.290213 0.796263 Tassels (primordia) 36.320625 29.0303 48.6185 Tassels (anther) 47.508315384615386 19.6031 75.6365 Tassels 47.1681825 7.61319 100.595 Silk 22.110621000000002 0.418142 43.8031 Ear 24.562515 5.65532 104.233 Ear (immature) 10.372335 4.92951 13.3023 Ear (inflorescence) 31.656150000000004 17.361 45.9513 Ear (primordia) 66.88625 12.0773 145.056 Zygote (12 HAP) 39.24763333333333 18.499 59.8752 Zygote (24 HAP) 23.724066666666666 14.4587 31.932 Daughter cell (apical) 52.21783333333333 22.3471 96.6215 Daughter cell (basal) 38.85873333333333 26.0388 47.0968 Embryo 38.13648888888889 10.2286 76.6294 Nucellus 133.386 127.865 138.907 Endopserm 15.957447857142856 4.36899 29.7949 Kernel 34.227625 20.5958 61.9871 Kernel (germinating) 31.346049999999998 30.4269 32.2652 Seeds 56.71983363636364 9.21982 107.167 Embryo Sac 45.881699999999995 39.5393 52.2241 Pericarp and aleurone 34.695 34.695 34.695 Coleoptile (5 day) 37.2357 24.0615 46.3059 Seedling 17.23514695652174 2.12323 30.6069 Internode 12.308694285714285 8.7446 17.9421 Sheath 38.9274 34.6044 43.2504 Shoot (apex) 39.4852392 11.3112 87.8189 Shoot 9.918468333333333 3.52855 17.4456 Whole plant 18.1527 13.9625 24.2381 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 6.86573 6.83345 6.89801 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 3.0396666666666667 1.91534 3.93186 Apical meristem 27.1652 27.1652 27.1652 Stem and meristem 40.33395 36.96 43.7079 Stems 34.02288 7.00611 75.0808 Stem (Internode) 20.48061 6.55117 45.5248 Leaf 8.546843214414414 0.0649417 61.2077 Leaf (apex) 21.51885 20.5827 22.455 Leaf (bundle sheath) 5.240425 1.19048 9.29037 Leaf (mesophyll) 5.452676666666667 3.76565 7.56235 Leaf (seedlings) 3.1634531999999997 0.54538 8.24295 Leaf and kernel 1.3254575 0.716645 2.03154 Ear (leaf) 4.56392 4.56392 4.56392 Root 26.265663333333332 3.16877 81.2718 Root (elongation zone) 31.2732975 5.90699 55.122 Root (meristematic zone) 41.8992 39.1969 44.6015 Root (stele) 78.4203 38.7166 104.795 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 42.5751 42.5751 42.5751 Secondary root 7.60253 7.60253 7.60253 Root, root hairs removed 39.7523 39.7523 39.7523 Root (maturation zone) 8.21775 8.21775 8.21775