condition mean min max Egg cell 124.95433333333334 100.567 149.043 Ovary 18.110666666666667 13.2569 21.7939 Ovule 78.94715000000001 59.3453 133.592 Microspore 57.233064000000006 6.48432 129.93 Bicellular microspore 3.53314 3.53314 3.53314 Pollen (mature) 1.2722873513513513 0.136322 8.70228 Pollen tube 0.9428225 0.834829 1.15305 Sperm cell 19.954104285714283 1.96236 42.4336 Pollen tube 0.9428225 0.834829 1.15305 Tassels (primordia) 214.3605 176.54 244.0 Tassels (anther) 117.91270769230769 70.3842 156.271 Tassels 95.05256250000001 36.6169 203.711 Silk 36.16545 20.447 51.8839 Ear 110.23216 68.0699 162.876 Ear (immature) 88.58728333333333 76.2311 97.9576 Ear (inflorescence) 132.344 119.126 145.562 Ear (primordia) 219.48276666666666 54.6816 313.569 Zygote (12 HAP) 102.45066666666666 81.71 119.051 Zygote (24 HAP) 157.295 145.408 165.94 Daughter cell (apical) 151.00900000000001 142.718 157.122 Daughter cell (basal) 149.395 122.515 167.423 Embryo 124.87601111111111 34.4879 209.089 Nucellus 137.83499999999998 135.976 139.694 Endopserm 54.36115 18.8335 141.796 Kernel 84.76318333333333 46.9636 130.678 Kernel (germinating) 119.5035 110.987 128.02 Seeds 127.52282424242425 23.4772 217.294 Embryo Sac 124.82 109.669 139.971 Pericarp and aleurone 22.1127 22.1127 22.1127 Coleoptile (5 day) 149.32566666666668 129.097 159.999 Seedling 51.05756521739131 13.7925 107.078 Internode 127.87705714285714 95.1614 145.667 Sheath 86.39824999999999 73.9801 98.8164 Shoot (apex) 85.9861464 44.5503 236.189 Shoot 49.97815 27.1583 109.297 Whole plant 93.865275 84.3165 111.481 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 75.76925 72.2762 79.2623 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 133.74133333333333 121.692 151.263 Apical meristem 213.095 213.095 213.095 Stem and meristem 194.42450000000002 194.092 194.757 Stems 164.789125 93.257 232.859 Stem (Internode) 127.49233333333333 117.992 134.137 Leaf 64.72292252252252 10.3867 458.256 Leaf (apex) 190.56099999999998 178.527 202.595 Leaf (bundle sheath) 23.53765 15.0007 32.0746 Leaf (mesophyll) 20.702566666666666 13.2022 25.5967 Leaf (seedlings) 10.456796666666667 1.66866 20.3426 Leaf and kernel 24.706666666666667 15.2801 49.1832 Ear (leaf) 28.195 28.195 28.195 Root 114.63219375 29.4101 292.004 Root (elongation zone) 109.337175 92.8704 125.828 Root (meristematic zone) 314.754 306.049 323.459 Root (stele) 76.741975 57.8833 106.668 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 154.741 154.741 154.741 Secondary root 156.563 156.563 156.563 Root, root hairs removed 156.601 156.601 156.601 Root (maturation zone) 237.203 237.203 237.203