condition mean min max Egg cell 192.03383333333335 92.1785 273.041 Ovary 41.075433333333336 27.2327 48.9391 Ovule 121.175 59.6694 246.727 Microspore 29.981886 1.7274 87.6201 Bicellular microspore 1.22164 1.22164 1.22164 Pollen (mature) 1.2979414135135134 0.0 7.03726 Pollen tube 0.523857 0.464912 0.608786 Sperm cell 7.832959557142857 0.0596509 21.9161 Pollen tube 0.523857 0.464912 0.608786 Tassels (primordia) 352.6555 234.127 514.148 Tassels (anther) 249.20843076923077 93.9756 422.47 Tassels 262.339125 48.0689 637.32 Silk 29.4328 19.6222 39.2434 Ear 270.66606 58.0276 769.939 Ear (immature) 369.2801666666667 325.093 401.774 Ear (inflorescence) 299.549 259.084 340.014 Ear (primordia) 362.6678333333333 132.435 586.3 Zygote (12 HAP) 365.696 350.235 395.515 Zygote (24 HAP) 688.8253333333333 602.574 832.288 Daughter cell (apical) 435.949 258.216 553.313 Daughter cell (basal) 550.8923333333333 438.774 654.041 Embryo 250.57977777777776 83.665 641.357 Nucellus 252.5535 235.613 269.494 Endopserm 160.35763571428572 42.1413 434.784 Kernel 235.844 103.574 471.008 Kernel (germinating) 250.1555 131.488 368.823 Seeds 204.37173636363636 52.2641 456.286 Embryo Sac 120.88524999999998 93.8265 147.944 Pericarp and aleurone 81.3406 81.3406 81.3406 Coleoptile (5 day) 79.64436666666667 69.9622 96.878 Seedling 94.40766956521739 17.6121 441.973 Internode 172.35557142857144 100.085 583.85 Sheath 179.13549999999998 149.684 208.587 Shoot (apex) 176.6099072 68.7178 420.795 Shoot 206.44808333333333 65.445 312.388 Whole plant 85.930525 52.2269 100.454 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 197.94 187.033 208.847 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 366.24 263.323 460.412 Apical meristem 428.95 428.95 428.95 Stem and meristem 390.1995 373.318 407.081 Stems 152.2189125 95.4389 233.692 Stem (Internode) 102.37696666666668 94.3439 108.436 Leaf 86.2486972072072 2.74022 1105.47 Leaf (apex) 375.78 346.766 404.794 Leaf (bundle sheath) 79.31009999999999 30.1162 128.504 Leaf (mesophyll) 60.1987 31.0671 110.835 Leaf (seedlings) 8.510291 0.591352 23.9252 Leaf and kernel 34.64881666666667 18.1367 88.4055 Ear (leaf) 36.6121 36.6121 36.6121 Root 214.383321875 55.4363 683.966 Root (elongation zone) 300.3175 133.181 514.517 Root (meristematic zone) 428.695 392.851 464.539 Root (stele) 104.8338 80.4203 127.749 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 216.429 216.429 216.429 Secondary root 615.899 615.899 615.899 Root, root hairs removed 338.576 338.576 338.576 Root (maturation zone) 877.486 877.486 877.486