condition mean min max Egg cell 13.107423333333333 5.79068 26.8707 Ovary 3.1104233333333333 2.34315 3.55364 Ovule 16.546120000000002 8.25358 32.3785 Microspore 3.3894182 0.216041 6.97017 Bicellular microspore 0.400235 0.400235 0.400235 Pollen (mature) 0.42333845135135134 0.0614057 1.12098 Pollen tube 0.15746516666666668 0.12341 0.188675 Sperm cell 0.07384852857142857 0.0 0.220532 Pollen tube 0.15746516666666668 0.12341 0.188675 Tassels (primordia) 54.872099999999996 48.6168 62.614 Tassels (anther) 43.21196923076923 26.4529 91.1583 Tassels 22.5532175 7.80425 40.7727 Silk 10.976515000000001 5.13033 16.8227 Ear 26.364616 8.67606 49.9421 Ear (immature) 14.573783333333333 13.3815 15.5117 Ear (inflorescence) 32.775800000000004 24.424 41.1276 Ear (primordia) 42.28769 8.46924 53.3947 Zygote (12 HAP) 23.157633333333333 14.0551 28.9009 Zygote (24 HAP) 36.4703 31.9224 44.9776 Daughter cell (apical) 23.11006666666667 19.2344 26.3852 Daughter cell (basal) 22.259733333333333 19.1888 25.166 Embryo 27.774822222222223 11.5119 43.2027 Nucellus 56.35365 55.5526 57.1547 Endopserm 18.279802142857143 4.15465 46.5041 Kernel 25.379363333333334 7.80416 46.2264 Kernel (germinating) 28.073949999999996 20.1088 36.0391 Seeds 29.956302121212122 8.302 44.489 Embryo Sac 28.28285 15.7429 40.8228 Pericarp and aleurone 8.79864 8.79864 8.79864 Coleoptile (5 day) 30.745433333333335 21.4689 35.8213 Seedling 17.94330304347826 7.08137 40.3487 Internode 27.703557142857143 18.0859 31.5188 Sheath 50.219899999999996 44.9835 55.4563 Shoot (apex) 25.5776808 10.7525 41.5514 Shoot 12.093301666666667 8.50511 20.3731 Whole plant 21.182175 15.3596 23.9758 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 12.104949999999999 11.7455 12.4644 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 10.47043 9.53629 11.4706 Apical meristem 47.0578 47.0578 47.0578 Stem and meristem 27.54675 26.891 28.2025 Stems 32.8486875 25.2229 44.078 Stem (Internode) 28.217133333333333 25.5153 29.7976 Leaf 18.728564954954955 4.69022 71.1206 Leaf (apex) 42.2564 38.6082 45.9046 Leaf (bundle sheath) 7.69116 5.41414 9.96818 Leaf (mesophyll) 8.32441 6.71413 10.7292 Leaf (seedlings) 8.228574666666667 2.33083 16.4827 Leaf and kernel 10.23102 8.16708 12.1837 Ear (leaf) 15.073 15.073 15.073 Root 22.1669228125 4.59346 36.6823 Root (elongation zone) 14.3604175 5.95541 22.7371 Root (meristematic zone) 34.7096 34.1077 35.3115 Root (stele) 32.252175 28.9921 36.1956 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 21.9789 21.9789 21.9789 Secondary root 14.7052 14.7052 14.7052 Root, root hairs removed 18.4219 18.4219 18.4219 Root (maturation zone) 14.6875 14.6875 14.6875