condition mean min max Egg cell 39.21563333333333 34.1319 43.8948 Ovary 5.417706666666667 3.85588 6.49531 Ovule 28.283 17.0146 44.2271 Microspore 9.2591124 0.751082 17.6964 Bicellular microspore 1.61623 1.61623 1.61623 Pollen (mature) 1.3360517513513515 0.0615528 7.03099 Pollen tube 0.6103731666666666 0.552971 0.717606 Sperm cell 1.7691925714285714 0.225628 3.71258 Pollen tube 0.6103731666666666 0.552971 0.717606 Tassels (primordia) 62.3636 41.7244 84.2672 Tassels (anther) 61.81489230769231 37.9865 87.846 Tassels 36.875895 8.37566 71.8296 Silk 13.214080000000001 1.43946 24.9887 Ear 34.025381 7.12831 72.7811 Ear (immature) 23.826033333333335 14.3199 29.1342 Ear (inflorescence) 40.08185 28.8565 51.3072 Ear (primordia) 65.19785 15.6269 92.7717 Zygote (12 HAP) 47.8424 36.5958 54.5677 Zygote (24 HAP) 81.3375 74.1062 85.4086 Daughter cell (apical) 49.132666666666665 47.7241 51.2098 Daughter cell (basal) 43.685966666666666 42.1835 46.2676 Embryo 40.03602222222222 17.2573 71.4787 Nucellus 78.0416 77.3109 78.7723 Endopserm 20.58699 6.71704 46.4996 Kernel 37.1454975 6.76387 55.4627 Kernel (germinating) 28.28265 25.5017 31.0636 Seeds 44.364791515151516 8.67302 73.053 Embryo Sac 44.5975 31.5808 57.6142 Pericarp and aleurone 14.0234 14.0234 14.0234 Coleoptile (5 day) 22.58846666666667 15.5882 26.6136 Seedling 23.39058347826087 7.72329 39.517 Internode 43.44611428571429 31.4176 49.9724 Sheath 40.3064 33.3836 47.2292 Shoot (apex) 29.143736 7.25299 61.1966 Shoot 14.764246666666667 9.38396 29.9653 Whole plant 22.24655 16.4298 29.1203 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 14.25705 13.4669 15.0472 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 28.251833333333334 25.6507 32.6418 Apical meristem 55.8717 55.8717 55.8717 Stem and meristem 44.620999999999995 44.2277 45.0143 Stems 52.428075 38.7913 70.3344 Stem (Internode) 44.298633333333335 41.156 47.627 Leaf 19.851615945945944 5.0071 72.7819 Leaf (apex) 37.7602 31.9021 43.6183 Leaf (bundle sheath) 8.953465 3.55993 14.347 Leaf (mesophyll) 10.859426666666668 8.57848 12.0867 Leaf (seedlings) 7.204202 1.66901 13.5929 Leaf and kernel 10.428571666666667 7.04173 11.9115 Ear (leaf) 18.9016 18.9016 18.9016 Root 33.61176208333333 3.78525 54.8886 Root (elongation zone) 23.661715 6.63096 40.1095 Root (meristematic zone) 50.3904 49.3325 51.4483 Root (stele) 37.312425000000005 35.2234 39.7137 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 41.2802 41.2802 41.2802 Secondary root 21.3638 21.3638 21.3638 Root, root hairs removed 41.394 41.394 41.394 Root (maturation zone) 24.063 24.063 24.063