condition mean min max Egg cell 80.8965 67.1382 91.0207 Ovary 9.482633333333334 6.63468 11.8519 Ovule 133.81335 77.0004 211.604 Microspore 19.636956 2.49623 35.8812 Bicellular microspore 9.22216 9.22216 9.22216 Pollen (mature) 13.574936216216216 4.00079 50.664 Pollen tube 4.185438333333334 3.67094 4.83954 Sperm cell 3.0785537142857144 0.454253 7.29094 Pollen tube 4.185438333333334 3.67094 4.83954 Tassels (primordia) 135.89875 110.584 155.536 Tassels (anther) 85.58189230769231 56.5311 107.918 Tassels 81.242975 10.2752 138.881 Silk 156.636 107.41 205.862 Ear 119.97755 55.3201 236.953 Ear (immature) 70.09905 48.7684 80.3326 Ear (inflorescence) 97.8173 83.0446 112.59 Ear (primordia) 222.83644999999999 13.3467 496.812 Zygote (12 HAP) 96.2994 68.8602 114.857 Zygote (24 HAP) 108.35690000000001 95.5117 118.15 Daughter cell (apical) 185.77566666666667 155.482 222.129 Daughter cell (basal) 161.50966666666665 147.2 175.314 Embryo 206.7898888888889 66.146 355.488 Nucellus 182.94299999999998 162.099 203.787 Endopserm 110.52722857142857 37.408 179.109 Kernel 126.65695 92.0654 153.724 Kernel (germinating) 162.09449999999998 144.797 179.392 Seeds 160.86254545454545 57.2608 307.459 Embryo Sac 153.79749999999999 127.484 180.111 Pericarp and aleurone 43.5422 43.5422 43.5422 Coleoptile (5 day) 306.4866666666667 295.747 320.592 Seedling 104.99993043478261 39.6792 259.919 Internode 305.79414285714284 122.763 409.346 Sheath 262.61400000000003 245.794 279.434 Shoot (apex) 120.4920568 59.1759 180.81 Shoot 75.932925 40.9665 114.455 Whole plant 106.191225 74.1479 123.989 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 112.112 97.707 126.517 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 103.44653333333333 67.1336 141.905 Apical meristem 127.142 127.142 127.142 Stem and meristem 164.85199999999998 162.902 166.802 Stems 314.83050000000003 219.423 426.81 Stem (Internode) 330.43966666666665 259.828 399.97 Leaf 82.79738918918919 27.0058 189.432 Leaf (apex) 129.3255 127.309 131.342 Leaf (bundle sheath) 59.089349999999996 36.1527 82.026 Leaf (mesophyll) 45.48406666666666 34.4113 63.4779 Leaf (seedlings) 23.624126 2.896 54.963 Leaf and kernel 39.84785 29.0512 51.3196 Ear (leaf) 72.7431 72.7431 72.7431 Root 128.40731041666666 52.7331 198.795 Root (elongation zone) 106.07 49.8963 162.488 Root (meristematic zone) 186.10750000000002 185.012 187.203 Root (stele) 138.6915 121.915 150.249 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 125.387 125.387 125.387 Secondary root 59.6137 59.6137 59.6137 Root, root hairs removed 80.7029 80.7029 80.7029 Root (maturation zone) 83.4108 83.4108 83.4108