condition mean min max Egg cell 73.95426666666667 19.8055 138.75 Ovary 21.1126 14.7734 26.1139 Ovule 81.41085 49.3173 119.894 Microspore 5.1938531999999995 0.257386 8.55585 Bicellular microspore 0.576884 0.576884 0.576884 Pollen (mature) 3.060434097297297 0.0378786 7.38714 Pollen tube 3.1132933333333335 2.67324 3.40116 Sperm cell 19.686043285714288 0.0 46.7421 Pollen tube 3.1132933333333335 2.67324 3.40116 Tassels (primordia) 107.744 99.647 116.036 Tassels (anther) 71.79329230769231 42.6135 106.156 Tassels 68.8510875 14.4102 150.685 Silk 54.95865 14.5894 95.3279 Ear 99.15514 20.2318 178.925 Ear (immature) 133.1625 110.786 151.343 Ear (inflorescence) 133.6855 117.916 149.455 Ear (primordia) 137.57016666666667 130.114 160.957 Zygote (12 HAP) 163.02466666666666 145.461 177.364 Zygote (24 HAP) 212.01500000000001 148.699 294.24 Daughter cell (apical) 114.2479 88.3437 130.549 Daughter cell (basal) 141.507 114.485 158.682 Embryo 53.466899999999995 10.0344 94.7299 Nucellus 154.5215 151.106 157.937 Endopserm 27.184602857142856 8.32132 56.6903 Kernel 77.80909166666667 21.2018 197.876 Kernel (germinating) 40.0912 30.9912 49.1912 Seeds 64.06217575757576 16.6737 200.043 Embryo Sac 87.43455 80.1695 94.6996 Pericarp and aleurone 18.9035 18.9035 18.9035 Coleoptile (5 day) 25.557166666666667 23.395 28.4243 Seedling 19.649735217391303 2.9642 66.081 Internode 37.815285714285714 21.763 90.0577 Sheath 44.18945 32.3361 56.0428 Shoot (apex) 64.8974448 26.6201 139.089 Shoot 25.346233333333334 11.5952 45.5049 Whole plant 27.581475 26.3504 28.8313 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 99.21765 91.2763 107.159 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 134.303 100.354 163.7 Apical meristem 145.582 145.582 145.582 Stem and meristem 64.14095 61.2015 67.0804 Stems 41.8580125 26.7129 59.2556 Stem (Internode) 33.3652 32.0643 35.5167 Leaf 27.34185891891892 1.37906 139.684 Leaf (apex) 112.69749999999999 102.719 122.676 Leaf (bundle sheath) 8.79013 4.84176 12.7385 Leaf (mesophyll) 5.822113333333333 3.37656 10.1099 Leaf (seedlings) 2.0911790666666668 0.461176 3.698 Leaf and kernel 9.322115 6.81679 13.9179 Ear (leaf) 5.34891 5.34891 5.34891 Root 40.76133541666667 10.7487 99.9497 Root (elongation zone) 22.0752 14.1417 29.0278 Root (meristematic zone) 50.62805 49.6959 51.5602 Root (stele) 50.5621 36.8336 62.5431 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 35.0516 35.0516 35.0516 Secondary root 62.1852 62.1852 62.1852 Root, root hairs removed 41.6968 41.6968 41.6968 Root (maturation zone) 76.3284 76.3284 76.3284