condition mean min max Egg cell 8.932556666666667 5.56597 10.7117 Ovary 12.334443333333333 7.94083 15.6737 Ovule 32.015950000000004 17.5217 38.3355 Microspore 1.605076 0.207899 3.55737 Bicellular microspore 0.78269 0.78269 0.78269 Pollen (mature) 4.318840945945946 0.125003 28.4079 Pollen tube 7.481205 6.45188 8.61038 Sperm cell 2.862127571428571 0.311135 6.33437 Pollen tube 7.481205 6.45188 8.61038 Tassels (primordia) 18.378 15.0265 22.3094 Tassels (anther) 59.275630769230766 24.1631 97.0826 Tassels 58.56344 1.80661 130.828 Silk 17.941305 9.75261 26.13 Ear 29.67373 11.9076 55.1479 Ear (immature) 14.241973333333334 8.58204 17.5024 Ear (inflorescence) 19.25895 17.1433 21.3746 Ear (primordia) 13.338731666666668 3.54797 25.2279 Zygote (12 HAP) 53.60276666666667 48.7924 57.2376 Zygote (24 HAP) 37.1915 33.8937 42.5607 Daughter cell (apical) 14.99125 9.54865 24.1078 Daughter cell (basal) 18.2612 13.7747 25.8422 Embryo 35.575966666666666 11.4433 62.5118 Nucellus 61.85765 59.857 63.8583 Endopserm 24.318885714285713 6.4866 49.362 Kernel 53.127075 12.4224 112.767 Kernel (germinating) 36.86735 25.0474 48.6873 Seeds 73.80092424242424 16.937 135.27 Embryo Sac 26.8035 26.7522 26.8548 Pericarp and aleurone 23.2378 23.2378 23.2378 Coleoptile (5 day) 34.12506666666667 27.2386 39.5859 Seedling 56.295360869565215 18.6929 95.7867 Internode 70.03592857142857 38.1063 104.916 Sheath 111.3442 97.7854 124.903 Shoot (apex) 80.4356752 22.5656 142.616 Shoot 30.88680666666667 2.69869 51.3667 Whole plant 47.68065 29.2534 74.9965 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 13.233699999999999 12.1745 14.2929 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 8.977683333333333 7.30001 10.2027 Apical meristem 19.1964 19.1964 19.1964 Stem and meristem 70.89695 69.7639 72.03 Stems 66.73845 47.2163 113.489 Stem (Internode) 99.63603333333333 53.3082 160.891 Leaf 22.450768882882883 0.394948 126.739 Leaf (apex) 19.4777 14.4514 24.504 Leaf (bundle sheath) 33.318855 5.43211 61.2056 Leaf (mesophyll) 30.181963333333336 9.69519 50.4119 Leaf (seedlings) 15.836298 1.76337 69.0966 Leaf and kernel 10.117885 5.25677 16.1282 Ear (leaf) 5.49762 5.49762 5.49762 Root 62.638378333333335 6.19442 117.167 Root (elongation zone) 91.602975 43.4929 143.25 Root (meristematic zone) 44.0616 42.8314 45.2918 Root (stele) 114.843875 98.2165 132.103 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 79.842 79.842 79.842 Secondary root 49.105 49.105 49.105 Root, root hairs removed 76.6112 76.6112 76.6112 Root (maturation zone) 18.6386 18.6386 18.6386