condition mean min max Egg cell 35.5488 21.3531 47.3339 Ovary 9.803493333333334 6.51568 12.4281 Ovule 80.658425 58.5585 103.48 Microspore 15.913414 2.03313 27.6877 Bicellular microspore 2.77805 2.77805 2.77805 Pollen (mature) 22.06451135135135 8.33683 115.166 Pollen tube 5.960748333333333 5.40658 6.30674 Sperm cell 26.494708142857142 0.893347 61.1578 Pollen tube 5.960748333333333 5.40658 6.30674 Tassels (primordia) 133.95775 114.334 154.525 Tassels (anther) 72.64445384615385 43.1981 99.7448 Tassels 96.29325875 7.99937 148.676 Silk 43.0677 30.7442 55.3912 Ear 120.44847 58.9509 300.327 Ear (immature) 73.80486666666667 63.9792 88.5957 Ear (inflorescence) 205.07350000000002 184.323 225.824 Ear (primordia) 115.82965 16.2259 154.679 Zygote (12 HAP) 46.330333333333336 34.4501 63.074 Zygote (24 HAP) 61.6715 51.1233 70.7798 Daughter cell (apical) 97.3626 80.1698 106.549 Daughter cell (basal) 93.43933333333334 80.8704 104.7 Embryo 67.48211111111111 22.4903 124.904 Nucellus 77.0663 71.0208 83.1118 Endopserm 52.519842857142855 18.0329 95.1885 Kernel 83.98035 50.9053 131.67 Kernel (germinating) 79.37215 76.4473 82.297 Seeds 128.41089696969698 29.1808 238.671 Embryo Sac 111.92405 95.1001 128.748 Pericarp and aleurone 24.0145 24.0145 24.0145 Coleoptile (5 day) 123.31433333333334 117.869 126.835 Seedling 64.3975652173913 19.8488 96.6484 Internode 131.76928571428573 119.315 146.827 Sheath 140.428 140.315 140.541 Shoot (apex) 119.3552584 51.2914 176.657 Shoot 59.307091666666665 26.367 84.0369 Whole plant 43.122949999999996 23.1647 60.3292 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 68.85765 60.9825 76.7328 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 107.45546666666667 90.4284 121.654 Apical meristem 114.898 114.898 114.898 Stem and meristem 173.2345 167.566 178.903 Stems 151.686375 111.111 195.173 Stem (Internode) 131.63533333333334 127.136 138.408 Leaf 51.99444837837838 9.38557 123.395 Leaf (apex) 124.80250000000001 115.456 134.149 Leaf (bundle sheath) 32.1299 23.9433 40.3165 Leaf (mesophyll) 32.241233333333334 30.5365 33.1602 Leaf (seedlings) 17.142956666666667 3.75032 48.2259 Leaf and kernel 38.95726666666667 29.5136 46.1856 Ear (leaf) 44.7441 44.7441 44.7441 Root 105.39383020833333 22.9001 167.071 Root (elongation zone) 171.51935 92.2224 251.044 Root (meristematic zone) 133.93900000000002 132.264 135.614 Root (stele) 133.3215 90.45 161.738 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 121.172 121.172 121.172 Secondary root 88.7734 88.7734 88.7734 Root, root hairs removed 98.6329 98.6329 98.6329 Root (maturation zone) 77.5417 77.5417 77.5417