condition mean min max Egg cell 0.05965533333333333 0.0 0.178966 Ovary 0.22953633333333334 0.152648 0.306276 Ovule 0.52956475 0.387027 0.747973 Microspore 0.6516268 0.13084 1.307 Bicellular microspore 0.190116 0.190116 0.190116 Pollen (mature) 0.03592264864864865 0.0 0.228263 Pollen tube 0.026199816666666667 0.0 0.0726807 Sperm cell 0.032853428571428575 0.0 0.132118 Pollen tube 0.026199816666666667 0.0 0.0726807 Tassels (primordia) 0.17190205 0.0459371 0.328952 Tassels (anther) 0.6573792153846154 0.0 3.87508 Tassels 0.453493125 0.115152 1.40906 Silk 0.1796475 0.0 0.359295 Ear 0.3868616 0.0 0.706416 Ear (immature) 0.5378376666666667 0.170351 1.19793 Ear (inflorescence) 0.6216695 0.396234 0.847105 Ear (primordia) 0.1966114 0.0991064 0.429948 Zygote (12 HAP) 4.11824 2.83426 5.06594 Zygote (24 HAP) 7.232376666666666 5.66944 9.75084 Daughter cell (apical) 0.9501143333333334 0.714134 1.14018 Daughter cell (basal) 1.6697966666666666 1.26832 2.04644 Embryo 0.43928133333333336 0.0 1.10766 Nucellus 0.34307 0.180257 0.505883 Endopserm 1.537245 0.0 6.59919 Kernel 1.09804575 0.246641 2.98805 Kernel (germinating) 0.3769665 0.202482 0.551451 Seeds 1.811868909090909 0.174974 8.98545 Embryo Sac 0.37548000000000004 0.32761 0.42335 Pericarp and aleurone 0.0845074 0.0845074 0.0845074 Coleoptile (5 day) 0.0541043 0.03134 0.0662866 Seedling 0.10530429130434783 0.0 0.730465 Internode 0.10255114285714285 0.0 0.343773 Sheath 0.1776205 0.119401 0.23584 Shoot (apex) 0.5546589696 0.0 2.92161 Shoot 0.04648519166666667 0.0 0.209871 Whole plant 0.39089 0.0 1.21621 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 0.8548405 0.810575 0.899106 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 0.24704546666666666 0.0831494 0.434006 Apical meristem 0.384783 0.384783 0.384783 Stem and meristem 0.2529445 0.138059 0.36783 Stems 0.087076875 0.0 0.251276 Stem (Internode) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Leaf 0.16307928108108108 0.0 1.15913 Leaf (apex) 0.350812 0.342125 0.359499 Leaf (bundle sheath) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Leaf (mesophyll) 0.048188833333333334 0.0 0.101739 Leaf (seedlings) 0.04173983333333333 0.0 0.208032 Leaf and kernel 0.026248383333333333 0.0 0.0937261 Ear (leaf) 0.0649868 0.0649868 0.0649868 Root 0.50206950625 0.0 1.81161 Root (elongation zone) 0.19310232500000002 0.0696731 0.434935 Root (meristematic zone) 0.4908315 0.39033 0.591333 Root (stele) 0.133435 0.0 0.224286 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 0.899252 0.899252 0.899252 Secondary root 0.117497 0.117497 0.117497 Root, root hairs removed 0.953853 0.953853 0.953853 Root (maturation zone) 1.49827 1.49827 1.49827