condition mean min max Egg cell 0.209279 0.190054 0.235487 Ovary 6.273883333333333 4.35293 7.98983 Ovule 15.0575975 3.60105 46.9289 Microspore 0.75854042 0.0 2.66641 Bicellular microspore 0.611912 0.611912 0.611912 Pollen (mature) 0.3905161351351351 0.0489319 0.971251 Pollen tube 0.259557 0.203679 0.379862 Sperm cell 0.09743136428571429 0.0 0.405831 Pollen tube 0.259557 0.203679 0.379862 Tassels (primordia) 19.460124999999998 15.3605 22.6497 Tassels (anther) 43.91293076923077 22.3209 60.0711 Tassels 89.52874875 8.54778 207.03 Silk 11.960944999999999 6.90599 17.0159 Ear 19.300149 7.45796 41.9928 Ear (immature) 14.64225 7.9711 18.2929 Ear (inflorescence) 17.98195 14.1261 21.8378 Ear (primordia) 17.40705 10.4874 22.9646 Zygote (12 HAP) 6.658896666666666 4.59777 8.54915 Zygote (24 HAP) 5.614323333333333 4.69224 6.75275 Daughter cell (apical) 5.322226666666666 3.06201 8.24844 Daughter cell (basal) 6.185923333333333 5.56892 7.24229 Embryo 28.664574444444444 3.14903 58.9624 Nucellus 31.15045 30.7956 31.5053 Endopserm 5.540262857142857 1.85819 14.2102 Kernel 32.3912125 8.29132 72.6028 Kernel (germinating) 52.49245 39.8878 65.0971 Seeds 55.215602727272724 6.35705 155.31 Embryo Sac 3.0726923999999998 0.0376948 6.10769 Pericarp and aleurone 49.3951 49.3951 49.3951 Coleoptile (5 day) 65.734 51.5271 74.1783 Seedling 131.93752173913043 37.627 226.511 Internode 69.37614285714285 35.13 129.004 Sheath 146.1535 106.939 185.368 Shoot (apex) 81.300292 27.1153 217.509 Shoot 62.61333416666667 3.22354 96.3078 Whole plant 81.0583 58.8061 95.8351 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 14.33625 13.3201 15.3524 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 4.84218 4.52053 5.07143 Apical meristem 13.8261 13.8261 13.8261 Stem and meristem 102.9405 96.979 108.902 Stems 62.5878375 47.3684 83.2942 Stem (Internode) 77.49973333333332 53.5564 106.594 Leaf 28.72787252252252 1.96243 174.791 Leaf (apex) 13.6572 10.0875 17.2269 Leaf (bundle sheath) 88.50262 8.37024 168.635 Leaf (mesophyll) 67.71773333333333 14.4501 137.956 Leaf (seedlings) 37.10073 1.21043 115.06 Leaf and kernel 10.04596 5.47101 19.8905 Ear (leaf) 3.75195 3.75195 3.75195 Root 169.18084479166666 12.4229 414.62 Root (elongation zone) 225.85055 64.3022 390.943 Root (meristematic zone) 57.372299999999996 56.3213 58.4233 Root (stele) 317.091 267.462 387.618 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 233.743 233.743 233.743 Secondary root 112.129 112.129 112.129 Root, root hairs removed 268.838 268.838 268.838 Root (maturation zone) 18.4431 18.4431 18.4431