condition mean min max Egg cell 54.080333333333336 11.8521 104.985 Ovary 5.130546666666667 3.66589 6.14632 Ovule 19.3819875 7.03525 41.8216 Microspore 20.364212 1.11966 40.9817 Bicellular microspore 0.613955 0.613955 0.613955 Pollen (mature) 0.8204452702702703 0.139129 2.44262 Pollen tube 0.5855398333333334 0.369441 0.958413 Sperm cell 3.126218 0.301742 7.61314 Pollen tube 0.5855398333333334 0.369441 0.958413 Tassels (primordia) 46.527175 40.6187 54.6104 Tassels (anther) 41.04843846153846 27.7777 53.1913 Tassels 22.585675 12.1705 37.126 Silk 11.30362 5.81954 16.7877 Ear 31.49264 21.6781 40.9732 Ear (immature) 26.496850000000002 24.1362 30.986 Ear (inflorescence) 45.929249999999996 39.3086 52.5499 Ear (primordia) 33.066921666666666 7.89493 41.9391 Zygote (12 HAP) 54.446533333333335 45.1575 59.8084 Zygote (24 HAP) 42.2707 30.3888 50.5043 Daughter cell (apical) 25.218033333333334 23.3475 28.0345 Daughter cell (basal) 28.072733333333336 21.139 35.304 Embryo 31.343512222222223 9.01721 46.9486 Nucellus 49.3908 46.7348 52.0468 Endopserm 10.109777857142857 4.54097 26.3302 Kernel 30.516544166666666 5.32768 94.3933 Kernel (germinating) 31.61105 24.3357 38.8864 Seeds 26.854382121212122 7.70267 56.3635 Embryo Sac 18.337699999999998 14.8798 21.7956 Pericarp and aleurone 19.1576 19.1576 19.1576 Coleoptile (5 day) 29.6265 28.4209 32.0297 Seedling 26.608721739130434 13.276 44.5863 Internode 34.009057142857145 27.1725 39.6171 Sheath 30.2526 25.215 35.2902 Shoot (apex) 39.7487184 18.5854 67.6425 Shoot 16.548316666666665 10.0819 24.0304 Whole plant 26.8287 21.2556 33.1906 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 35.5983 32.6231 38.5735 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 38.317233333333334 35.1852 43.9859 Apical meristem 43.1289 43.1289 43.1289 Stem and meristem 47.27975 43.7925 50.767 Stems 35.6582125 25.9697 45.9258 Stem (Internode) 33.25743333333333 27.1351 39.7187 Leaf 30.038027297297297 6.81667 113.983 Leaf (apex) 36.7805 36.5502 37.0108 Leaf (bundle sheath) 22.1062 21.3277 22.8847 Leaf (mesophyll) 21.5199 16.559 26.7207 Leaf (seedlings) 14.422044666666666 2.40206 38.6282 Leaf and kernel 20.720933333333335 16.0835 23.9672 Ear (leaf) 10.5773 10.5773 10.5773 Root 46.46269375 19.218 97.0602 Root (elongation zone) 21.8904575 9.17653 38.5222 Root (meristematic zone) 41.9598 41.1099 42.8097 Root (stele) 44.818175 41.8852 49.986 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 30.2349 30.2349 30.2349 Secondary root 25.0272 25.0272 25.0272 Root, root hairs removed 38.299 38.299 38.299 Root (maturation zone) 19.2809 19.2809 19.2809