condition mean min max Egg cell 191.74833333333333 121.511 277.42 Ovary 15.569099999999999 10.9835 18.211 Ovule 136.783425 88.4105 240.46 Microspore 20.3618962 0.577481 42.9539 Bicellular microspore 1.28469 1.28469 1.28469 Pollen (mature) 2.713067035135135 0.0 18.2959 Pollen tube 9.063138333333333 4.9696 13.9592 Sperm cell 366.4255714285714 33.7782 756.902 Pollen tube 9.063138333333333 4.9696 13.9592 Tassels (primordia) 107.34845 93.1329 125.494 Tassels (anther) 81.24351538461538 40.3113 122.489 Tassels 78.20858750000001 13.0293 136.805 Silk 198.49845 80.8669 316.13 Ear 162.13913 42.5623 393.052 Ear (immature) 65.03161666666666 57.2837 69.8534 Ear (inflorescence) 238.6475 222.87 254.425 Ear (primordia) 87.46703333333333 18.884 121.298 Zygote (12 HAP) 74.10016666666667 57.8519 97.574 Zygote (24 HAP) 54.14573333333333 51.8513 56.1908 Daughter cell (apical) 33.3685 25.927 45.4894 Daughter cell (basal) 21.0212 14.4254 25.4197 Embryo 102.04506 6.56864 238.428 Nucellus 57.945 54.7346 61.1554 Endopserm 20.28627642857143 1.73379 85.1315 Kernel 45.67528333333333 22.4392 69.2959 Kernel (germinating) 178.503 138.135 218.871 Seeds 116.22868787878788 19.1335 194.69 Embryo Sac 143.2505 137.866 148.635 Pericarp and aleurone 56.79 56.79 56.79 Coleoptile (5 day) 135.18033333333332 127.03 145.076 Seedling 82.51185217391304 26.4724 120.648 Internode 169.953 138.686 242.482 Sheath 94.63364999999999 93.4824 95.7849 Shoot (apex) 166.5619728 69.1374 308.817 Shoot 79.23179999999999 51.4481 112.108 Whole plant 90.806675 77.1676 106.272 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 115.0256 93.0932 136.958 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 119.10366666666667 75.543 150.43 Apical meristem 104.655 104.655 104.655 Stem and meristem 185.207 179.025 191.389 Stems 147.012625 130.953 167.666 Stem (Internode) 161.64433333333332 133.744 188.174 Leaf 75.13164234234235 20.7591 174.263 Leaf (apex) 96.77935 87.5597 105.999 Leaf (bundle sheath) 69.18950000000001 59.363 79.016 Leaf (mesophyll) 39.0584 28.3767 46.4659 Leaf (seedlings) 23.227034 4.35942 55.065 Leaf and kernel 70.10073333333334 46.7802 86.6367 Ear (leaf) 58.6179 58.6179 58.6179 Root 217.75575 101.626 411.929 Root (elongation zone) 158.763175 90.9637 228.083 Root (meristematic zone) 114.3515 110.568 118.135 Root (stele) 267.07175 257.85 287.662 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 222.114 222.114 222.114 Secondary root 165.585 165.585 165.585 Root, root hairs removed 166.14 166.14 166.14 Root (maturation zone) 59.3237 59.3237 59.3237