condition mean min max Egg cell 15.491096666666666 4.91861 33.3043 Ovary 3.5982066666666666 2.91491 3.9645 Ovule 7.604965 3.17047 15.2855 Microspore 32.175034000000004 1.58757 81.5336 Bicellular microspore 1.10403 1.10403 1.10403 Pollen (mature) 2.453911243243243 0.393764 5.79398 Pollen tube 7.325225 4.26004 10.8767 Sperm cell 69.27174285714285 15.683 144.465 Pollen tube 7.325225 4.26004 10.8767 Tassels (primordia) 24.789175 10.7752 31.2525 Tassels (anther) 41.07243076923077 29.2798 59.2072 Tassels 19.74743625 2.34627 32.6573 Silk 11.170475 6.67555 15.6654 Ear 9.158344 3.94124 17.3281 Ear (immature) 7.389105 6.37698 8.72956 Ear (inflorescence) 9.817155 8.32041 11.3139 Ear (primordia) 8.030115 3.8812 11.0296 Zygote (12 HAP) 18.825733333333332 16.2018 23.1492 Zygote (24 HAP) 23.45093333333333 15.8886 30.7046 Daughter cell (apical) 9.67442 7.84595 13.0972 Daughter cell (basal) 11.007993333333333 6.55698 14.8621 Embryo 13.875357777777777 4.82221 21.0438 Nucellus 20.100299999999997 18.6088 21.5918 Endopserm 16.143105 6.80587 51.1505 Kernel 11.5780675 2.53609 20.098 Kernel (germinating) 16.42455 11.15 21.6991 Seeds 12.04960909090909 3.06558 23.4484 Embryo Sac 10.59456 2.81572 18.3734 Pericarp and aleurone 6.74456 6.74456 6.74456 Coleoptile (5 day) 16.599600000000002 15.7204 17.6827 Seedling 12.41867652173913 3.91955 27.3505 Internode 6.207204285714286 3.31338 11.695 Sheath 19.44735 18.3405 20.5542 Shoot (apex) 9.99370256 3.36947 21.0623 Shoot 7.686160833333333 5.09415 12.8352 Whole plant 14.5278 12.5174 15.8845 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 3.54143 3.05645 4.02641 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 8.490906666666667 7.84544 9.10518 Apical meristem 8.32821 8.32821 8.32821 Stem and meristem 7.462540000000001 7.29743 7.62765 Stems 8.97795125 5.48014 11.8228 Stem (Internode) 5.9464266666666665 4.99371 7.15455 Leaf 10.086908738738739 1.27636 36.1342 Leaf (apex) 7.49981 6.99799 8.00163 Leaf (bundle sheath) 8.019775 4.65665 11.3829 Leaf (mesophyll) 7.53778 6.22846 9.37884 Leaf (seedlings) 6.278342 1.71756 14.1965 Leaf and kernel 7.29127 6.19701 8.51618 Ear (leaf) 4.24241 4.24241 4.24241 Root 8.653103020833333 2.07586 23.2691 Root (elongation zone) 4.3713725000000005 1.15717 9.54878 Root (meristematic zone) 5.855455 5.58852 6.12239 Root (stele) 13.55655 11.9773 15.6208 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 5.15744 5.15744 5.15744 Secondary root 1.99922 1.99922 1.99922 Root, root hairs removed 5.31119 5.31119 5.31119 Root (maturation zone) 1.55249 1.55249 1.55249