condition mean min max Egg cell 197.764 140.463 274.529 Ovary 3.376463333333333 2.74576 3.81844 Ovule 73.1643 46.1369 140.49 Microspore 32.440281999999996 1.94271 73.0573 Bicellular microspore 3.23121 3.23121 3.23121 Pollen (mature) 17.542012702702703 5.27647 32.705 Pollen tube 8.677025 7.60698 9.47632 Sperm cell 22.22043 1.39193 48.3916 Pollen tube 8.677025 7.60698 9.47632 Tassels (primordia) 61.71125 50.3614 74.0381 Tassels (anther) 135.6527153846154 87.3139 160.255 Tassels 100.34859375 3.73595 169.402 Silk 24.812250000000002 11.3682 38.2563 Ear 48.0362 22.9578 79.5329 Ear (immature) 29.8653 23.9483 32.6976 Ear (inflorescence) 29.580800000000004 21.2112 37.9504 Ear (primordia) 54.405881666666666 5.32049 74.1123 Zygote (12 HAP) 123.0758 96.8094 142.972 Zygote (24 HAP) 155.366 138.997 180.636 Daughter cell (apical) 252.59266666666667 210.55 321.786 Daughter cell (basal) 250.72433333333333 209.319 275.218 Embryo 68.48905555555555 20.2031 146.911 Nucellus 49.8144 49.4882 50.1406 Endopserm 26.617058571428572 2.02164 100.876 Kernel 40.0488 12.4609 78.5867 Kernel (germinating) 153.3456 99.9662 206.725 Seeds 69.66907757575757 8.76026 124.647 Embryo Sac 68.99334999999999 48.7643 89.2224 Pericarp and aleurone 17.6453 17.6453 17.6453 Coleoptile (5 day) 53.92763333333333 42.7325 61.4224 Seedling 44.025217391304345 12.5915 79.5737 Internode 73.32827142857143 54.4 119.799 Sheath 61.80915 56.9383 66.68 Shoot (apex) 52.125708 23.1772 85.116 Shoot 32.993066666666664 16.7088 66.6795 Whole plant 37.703025 24.1261 53.4905 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 18.44075 17.0806 19.8009 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 22.39166666666667 18.4293 29.8318 Apical meristem 52.9122 52.9122 52.9122 Stem and meristem 115.38499999999999 114.554 116.216 Stems 79.7882 51.1536 121.083 Stem (Internode) 61.397333333333336 55.6964 65.5878 Leaf 36.73285621621621 6.66912 112.487 Leaf (apex) 45.106 42.1289 48.0831 Leaf (bundle sheath) 34.123999999999995 21.4394 46.8086 Leaf (mesophyll) 27.1718 21.6959 31.1065 Leaf (seedlings) 14.717354666666667 2.53058 36.0281 Leaf and kernel 15.7048 12.7561 18.1917 Ear (leaf) 21.0553 21.0553 21.0553 Root 114.73057916666667 20.052 282.769 Root (elongation zone) 173.470825 49.7998 309.283 Root (meristematic zone) 228.7025 228.367 229.038 Root (stele) 123.42875000000001 107.105 153.203 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 180.269 180.269 180.269 Secondary root 93.8259 93.8259 93.8259 Root, root hairs removed 148.772 148.772 148.772 Root (maturation zone) 84.0433 84.0433 84.0433