condition mean min max Egg cell 11.466053333333333 7.87218 18.5811 Ovary 3.8413399999999998 3.05127 4.39389 Ovule 30.579900000000002 15.1582 66.6941 Microspore 1.42346638 0.0 5.06835 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 0.14817356756756758 0.0 1.01245 Pollen tube 0.022099766666666666 0.0 0.0512402 Sperm cell 0.36100838571428573 0.0 1.37226 Pollen tube 0.022099766666666666 0.0 0.0512402 Tassels (primordia) 44.33255 41.4412 50.1247 Tassels (anther) 18.19180923076923 8.49822 24.5387 Tassels 14.76401625 5.04152 32.9788 Silk 21.308329999999998 8.26156 34.3551 Ear 29.333660000000002 17.6445 58.6599 Ear (immature) 22.8239 20.6499 27.1024 Ear (inflorescence) 41.874300000000005 32.7742 50.9744 Ear (primordia) 66.427415 7.51579 130.181 Zygote (12 HAP) 8.172856666666666 5.68456 11.0502 Zygote (24 HAP) 11.524303333333334 6.84801 14.5795 Daughter cell (apical) 38.44753333333333 37.211 40.4619 Daughter cell (basal) 40.2554 36.5473 46.7455 Embryo 38.56587777777778 16.2053 59.6337 Nucellus 59.25695 54.3743 64.1396 Endopserm 31.975189999999998 4.19786 82.2635 Kernel 32.37505 19.6884 45.5824 Kernel (germinating) 28.21665 19.422 37.0113 Seeds 31.87777424242424 7.96655 49.3697 Embryo Sac 35.04015 21.9176 48.1627 Pericarp and aleurone 5.31077 5.31077 5.31077 Coleoptile (5 day) 50.73356666666667 43.0462 56.201 Seedling 13.265587391304347 3.30184 39.0927 Internode 39.768857142857144 28.8097 50.2757 Sheath 30.493000000000002 27.8586 33.1274 Shoot (apex) 30.0680328 14.6157 48.111 Shoot 8.797349166666667 4.33929 18.9507 Whole plant 13.3996575 9.84643 17.3174 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 22.203850000000003 22.0132 22.3945 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 17.499200000000002 12.7886 20.6885 Apical meristem 43.5314 43.5314 43.5314 Stem and meristem 31.18355 30.8233 31.5438 Stems 42.946775 28.6039 48.8951 Stem (Internode) 45.098 41.7091 47.2963 Leaf 12.715842792792794 1.21114 67.4169 Leaf (apex) 48.09035 46.3912 49.7895 Leaf (bundle sheath) 5.52622 2.84591 8.20653 Leaf (mesophyll) 4.55938 2.79866 6.84139 Leaf (seedlings) 3.4974969333333332 0.122779 6.70635 Leaf and kernel 4.573563333333333 3.04984 6.22578 Ear (leaf) 5.48119 5.48119 5.48119 Root 20.569697291666667 4.28893 40.5311 Root (elongation zone) 11.96367 7.37088 16.9625 Root (meristematic zone) 28.777099999999997 27.3924 30.1618 Root (stele) 27.9054 22.2648 34.3405 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 18.0507 18.0507 18.0507 Secondary root 10.6226 10.6226 10.6226 Root, root hairs removed 14.5353 14.5353 14.5353 Root (maturation zone) 14.8669 14.8669 14.8669