condition mean min max Egg cell 735.9783333333334 451.041 1144.68 Ovary 21.613366666666668 15.0705 27.5743 Ovule 424.66735 51.3474 748.421 Microspore 63.91643 3.95445 144.804 Bicellular microspore 3.14942 3.14942 3.14942 Pollen (mature) 72.77929945945947 4.90028 143.058 Pollen tube 56.762299999999996 45.2234 74.4434 Sperm cell 35.78676014285714 0.0 81.7844 Pollen tube 56.762299999999996 45.2234 74.4434 Tassels (primordia) 171.50225 146.085 203.39 Tassels (anther) 329.4441538461538 134.927 480.87 Tassels 163.0700125 19.9864 233.096 Silk 265.4175 209.426 321.409 Ear 149.1466 70.746 210.956 Ear (immature) 151.99183333333332 144.947 159.889 Ear (inflorescence) 126.9815 103.589 150.374 Ear (primordia) 165.2137 22.1032 225.965 Zygote (12 HAP) 456.61400000000003 421.805 523.191 Zygote (24 HAP) 335.91700000000003 313.774 359.451 Daughter cell (apical) 145.44899999999998 124.262 163.671 Daughter cell (basal) 173.41933333333333 157.916 186.277 Embryo 214.97802222222222 31.0237 485.599 Nucellus 107.53264999999999 95.9623 119.103 Endopserm 136.44432857142857 23.7351 336.262 Kernel 221.85985833333334 76.5573 352.643 Kernel (germinating) 459.3825 410.099 508.666 Seeds 254.29878787878786 48.3602 402.273 Embryo Sac 506.022 303.477 708.567 Pericarp and aleurone 76.169 76.169 76.169 Coleoptile (5 day) 191.294 179.177 198.655 Seedling 136.88327391304347 60.138 308.065 Internode 238.29128571428572 172.664 412.13 Sheath 125.436 119.337 131.535 Shoot (apex) 258.6388512 85.9684 414.079 Shoot 211.37004166666665 72.0194 340.198 Whole plant 103.676925 40.5198 161.655 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 211.4555 180.952 241.959 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 88.7901 61.7657 123.962 Apical meristem 250.985 250.985 250.985 Stem and meristem 337.41650000000004 324.555 350.278 Stems 270.164 161.132 421.178 Stem (Internode) 179.89666666666668 144.252 210.715 Leaf 117.52522891891891 7.72151 472.003 Leaf (apex) 344.092 313.241 374.943 Leaf (bundle sheath) 125.4094 89.7568 161.062 Leaf (mesophyll) 77.59306666666667 59.5245 95.1483 Leaf (seedlings) 27.721215333333333 3.5219 66.3396 Leaf and kernel 52.862633333333335 40.3317 71.2664 Ear (leaf) 117.149 117.149 117.149 Root 370.578 119.127 1147.38 Root (elongation zone) 601.256 413.163 675.457 Root (meristematic zone) 419.8215 418.241 421.402 Root (stele) 422.8355 368.648 521.683 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 419.703 419.703 419.703 Secondary root 459.33 459.33 459.33 Root, root hairs removed 324.646 324.646 324.646 Root (maturation zone) 305.624 305.624 305.624