condition mean min max Egg cell 8.45038 4.69179 15.1151 Ovary 10.92203 8.64119 12.381 Ovule 40.607025 18.7048 97.0439 Microspore 9.8392368 0.0 40.9536 Bicellular microspore 0.21949 0.21949 0.21949 Pollen (mature) 1.6467683783783784 0.118915 4.57462 Pollen tube 7.834035 3.79247 11.7769 Sperm cell 38.39512714285714 3.07672 78.8654 Pollen tube 7.834035 3.79247 11.7769 Tassels (primordia) 9.3463125 3.31485 20.9996 Tassels (anther) 21.59851923076923 9.68305 38.7945 Tassels 37.60234 1.4034 84.3833 Silk 78.37395 62.2883 94.4596 Ear 51.704381 7.06478 137.355 Ear (immature) 13.827116666666667 5.423 18.9003 Ear (inflorescence) 33.43515 30.7907 36.0796 Ear (primordia) 14.832056666666666 3.48474 21.7053 Zygote (12 HAP) 14.54598 7.60744 18.681 Zygote (24 HAP) 14.228996666666665 9.71819 17.3315 Daughter cell (apical) 8.19703 5.5249 10.6868 Daughter cell (basal) 8.54115 7.48675 9.16099 Embryo 45.04648888888889 20.9323 78.9743 Nucellus 10.717065 8.40123 13.0329 Endopserm 73.97917857142858 15.186 122.2 Kernel 59.773125 28.6468 103.348 Kernel (germinating) 63.669650000000004 34.7476 92.5917 Seeds 109.96557575757576 43.1962 181.998 Embryo Sac 47.81425 30.2631 65.3654 Pericarp and aleurone 23.8787 23.8787 23.8787 Coleoptile (5 day) 101.2359 91.7187 107.078 Seedling 74.44549565217392 24.0534 140.145 Internode 184.98555714285715 85.7509 354.836 Sheath 157.078 142.544 171.612 Shoot (apex) 92.882096 18.7296 180.333 Shoot 46.78955833333333 27.1602 65.7456 Whole plant 111.99665 97.0796 142.018 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 16.194699999999997 13.8216 18.5678 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 2.133054 0.876862 2.96878 Apical meristem 4.99642 4.99642 4.99642 Stem and meristem 77.7266 73.8555 81.5977 Stems 187.9028125 88.8635 316.323 Stem (Internode) 172.30833333333334 143.752 199.079 Leaf 46.45386783783784 9.57903 173.057 Leaf (apex) 14.690185 4.35547 25.0249 Leaf (bundle sheath) 32.07335 21.8944 42.2523 Leaf (mesophyll) 27.551433333333335 20.7196 33.1381 Leaf (seedlings) 15.750903333333333 1.87558 33.9985 Leaf and kernel 35.50405 28.3194 42.332 Ear (leaf) 14.8105 14.8105 14.8105 Root 97.58036395833334 9.48674 229.527 Root (elongation zone) 102.8763 49.8189 152.441 Root (meristematic zone) 28.88725 28.8284 28.9461 Root (stele) 138.58925 116.611 156.108 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 70.9029 70.9029 70.9029 Secondary root 42.0557 42.0557 42.0557 Root, root hairs removed 79.1473 79.1473 79.1473 Root (maturation zone) 12.9978 12.9978 12.9978