condition mean min max Egg cell 3.6490666666666667 1.51724 6.34792 Ovary 4.873106666666667 3.55733 5.78351 Ovule 27.766650000000002 10.0805 61.9654 Microspore 1.192736 0.109531 2.69614 Bicellular microspore 0.138892 0.138892 0.138892 Pollen (mature) 0.24218785135135135 0.0 3.2534 Pollen tube 0.11757948333333333 0.0726153 0.200139 Sperm cell 3.884792142857143 0.510185 9.23124 Pollen tube 0.11757948333333333 0.0726153 0.200139 Tassels (primordia) 52.821225 41.7094 62.765 Tassels (anther) 34.513084615384614 27.1825 48.7669 Tassels 42.0601225 9.00438 78.0172 Silk 17.84685 3.3316 32.3621 Ear 42.832969999999996 13.8323 84.9189 Ear (immature) 21.099133333333334 16.2654 23.1017 Ear (inflorescence) 43.9613 32.9543 54.9683 Ear (primordia) 50.371183333333335 15.9823 66.0614 Zygote (12 HAP) 10.515 8.1539 13.333 Zygote (24 HAP) 7.789253333333334 6.56816 8.9937 Daughter cell (apical) 20.9554 14.5257 26.1414 Daughter cell (basal) 13.045399999999999 10.9485 15.0405 Embryo 26.5736 10.2944 39.2026 Nucellus 41.31365 41.1593 41.468 Endopserm 15.651578571428571 5.76566 31.6128 Kernel 33.03350833333333 8.798 48.4856 Kernel (germinating) 30.2454 21.7008 38.79 Seeds 53.262063636363635 11.8244 93.0962 Embryo Sac 27.582050000000002 22.3809 32.7832 Pericarp and aleurone 13.9923 13.9923 13.9923 Coleoptile (5 day) 33.60776666666667 26.2755 38.0212 Seedling 38.66906521739131 9.8736 69.9288 Internode 85.91507142857142 28.6958 116.549 Sheath 57.435649999999995 53.9491 60.9222 Shoot (apex) 35.7680592 14.6758 50.4233 Shoot 20.426675 13.0811 37.7397 Whole plant 50.3463 46.5216 52.9529 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 19.115250000000003 19.0329 19.1976 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 34.7652 31.653 40.9602 Apical meristem 42.1131 42.1131 42.1131 Stem and meristem 46.38955 45.7156 47.0635 Stems 84.8503625 68.9215 111.201 Stem (Internode) 99.3096 92.1538 106.478 Leaf 31.478713783783785 7.15324 112.185 Leaf (apex) 41.561899999999994 34.8178 48.306 Leaf (bundle sheath) 18.994139999999998 6.73918 31.2491 Leaf (mesophyll) 20.584133333333334 15.8488 27.9731 Leaf (seedlings) 14.269187333333333 2.13198 29.3364 Leaf and kernel 12.29249 9.07074 15.3381 Ear (leaf) 23.6688 23.6688 23.6688 Root 39.24944479166667 13.8085 63.9755 Root (elongation zone) 30.8462575 9.02123 52.4572 Root (meristematic zone) 28.58605 28.4454 28.7267 Root (stele) 52.397225 43.9254 56.0885 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 42.855 42.855 42.855 Secondary root 19.3628 19.3628 19.3628 Root, root hairs removed 34.1923 34.1923 34.1923 Root (maturation zone) 12.5268 12.5268 12.5268