condition mean min max Egg cell 4.4944733333333335 2.71299 5.85982 Ovary 1.8524833333333333 1.34982 2.32498 Ovule 3.7519425 2.3263 5.25078 Microspore 0.91602744 0.0071302 3.6112 Bicellular microspore 0.0229728 0.0229728 0.0229728 Pollen (mature) 0.5535043054054054 0.0 2.1971 Pollen tube 5.910881666666667 3.35046 8.80958 Sperm cell 19.11153285714286 2.32909 33.831 Pollen tube 5.910881666666667 3.35046 8.80958 Tassels (primordia) 6.106177499999999 5.30899 6.85668 Tassels (anther) 9.245179230769232 3.19103 32.338 Tassels 6.53885625 2.53206 11.9522 Silk 0.9090239999999999 0.168248 1.6498 Ear 7.105406 2.70894 10.3002 Ear (immature) 6.492436666666666 5.00412 7.17839 Ear (inflorescence) 5.8344000000000005 5.57835 6.09045 Ear (primordia) 5.891768333333333 4.35624 6.93368 Zygote (12 HAP) 0.649608 0.213275 1.27648 Zygote (24 HAP) 1.1302446666666666 0.582308 1.99603 Daughter cell (apical) 3.81517 2.00279 6.80474 Daughter cell (basal) 1.719717 0.898841 2.22974 Embryo 10.988823333333334 4.55529 19.6092 Nucellus 4.970045 3.99375 5.94634 Endopserm 4.153630071428571 0.914131 13.7756 Kernel 4.971516666666667 2.17893 8.98544 Kernel (germinating) 6.47337 5.32524 7.6215 Seeds 5.84556696969697 1.70202 15.0415 Embryo Sac 8.52535 4.249 12.8017 Pericarp and aleurone 1.67979 1.67979 1.67979 Coleoptile (5 day) 5.23407 4.7602 5.73349 Seedling 3.898321695652174 0.909139 13.3194 Internode 4.464708571428571 2.88868 7.002 Sheath 8.85795 7.87765 9.83825 Shoot (apex) 8.05903552 3.17975 17.6116 Shoot 2.638515416666667 0.424988 4.39001 Whole plant 7.0399775 4.4035 8.92702 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 5.431150000000001 4.35573 6.50657 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 1.7302966666666666 1.56019 1.89896 Apical meristem 7.11962 7.11962 7.11962 Stem and meristem 5.81024 5.60532 6.01516 Stems 5.5926325 2.17163 9.06065 Stem (Internode) 4.1284600000000005 3.2848 5.49446 Leaf 2.9594742612612612 0.172098 28.8342 Leaf (apex) 7.706135 6.63131 8.78096 Leaf (bundle sheath) 1.738195 0.5214 2.95499 Leaf (mesophyll) 1.8063316666666667 0.543385 3.1545 Leaf (seedlings) 1.1115570666666668 0.072098 3.2283 Leaf and kernel 0.7099118333333333 0.396391 1.20648 Ear (leaf) 1.15435 1.15435 1.15435 Root 3.38018828125 0.255312 9.02175 Root (elongation zone) 2.844 1.35331 4.87179 Root (meristematic zone) 3.042925 2.96473 3.12112 Root (stele) 8.872282499999999 3.59036 11.0349 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 1.75853 1.75853 1.75853 Secondary root 2.4515 2.4515 2.4515 Root, root hairs removed 2.18993 2.18993 2.18993 Root (maturation zone) 1.61582 1.61582 1.61582