condition mean min max Egg cell 23.8898 13.135 42.3821 Ovary 3.7507633333333334 2.38889 4.52918 Ovule 18.460250000000002 14.7562 26.2982 Microspore 25.182844 1.11047 90.8243 Bicellular microspore 0.876197 0.876197 0.876197 Pollen (mature) 3.7676154594594595 0.773192 16.8271 Pollen tube 2.4140416666666664 1.82211 2.77744 Sperm cell 2.459114 0.899791 8.91349 Pollen tube 2.4140416666666664 1.82211 2.77744 Tassels (primordia) 47.052525 39.6208 53.04 Tassels (anther) 88.14600769230769 46.1147 119.367 Tassels 37.9365375 21.1892 59.1438 Silk 27.96625 18.7669 37.1656 Ear 31.05475 14.8867 48.4057 Ear (immature) 45.030883333333335 39.102 51.8218 Ear (inflorescence) 30.0137 23.4538 36.5736 Ear (primordia) 47.82058333333333 22.6804 64.3294 Zygote (12 HAP) 82.63976666666667 81.8045 84.0924 Zygote (24 HAP) 90.26406666666666 54.5442 115.376 Daughter cell (apical) 19.710333333333335 17.0687 21.4572 Daughter cell (basal) 24.944333333333333 21.0118 30.4342 Embryo 26.64784 2.99816 38.7453 Nucellus 52.420249999999996 50.1762 54.6643 Endopserm 27.32139 9.17474 56.0856 Kernel 41.249383333333334 22.3974 56.2709 Kernel (germinating) 41.3674 36.9401 45.7947 Seeds 46.01156363636364 12.9084 76.6213 Embryo Sac 34.367149999999995 33.038 35.6963 Pericarp and aleurone 22.8903 22.8903 22.8903 Coleoptile (5 day) 33.61386666666667 31.6407 35.0543 Seedling 24.940505217391305 9.96832 42.3609 Internode 53.15557142857143 40.7668 81.2281 Sheath 102.37105 98.0401 106.702 Shoot (apex) 50.9827712 24.3491 105.433 Shoot 25.349925 10.356 36.1232 Whole plant 18.5493 11.8059 28.155 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 46.52535 42.5582 50.4925 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 52.07886666666667 41.8277 62.3235 Apical meristem 46.2342 46.2342 46.2342 Stem and meristem 63.175349999999995 57.6852 68.6655 Stems 51.54385 39.1574 69.307 Stem (Internode) 47.2087 43.802 52.4975 Leaf 17.802385945945947 3.55967 48.5317 Leaf (apex) 54.495900000000006 48.9194 60.0724 Leaf (bundle sheath) 15.13611 9.04562 21.2266 Leaf (mesophyll) 11.132193333333333 8.75258 13.8177 Leaf (seedlings) 7.358128333333333 0.798375 19.261 Leaf and kernel 9.024301666666666 5.59184 12.1713 Ear (leaf) 17.9955 17.9955 17.9955 Root 49.37560729166667 10.1015 84.588 Root (elongation zone) 91.612875 71.8475 110.299 Root (meristematic zone) 84.9419 78.9033 90.9805 Root (stele) 52.965824999999995 49.0423 61.0937 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 56.1723 56.1723 56.1723 Secondary root 82.7619 82.7619 82.7619 Root, root hairs removed 71.9858 71.9858 71.9858 Root (maturation zone) 99.9951 99.9951 99.9951