condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	21.14951	7.24113	32.2579
Ovary	0.9676516666666667	0.614005	1.2169
Ovule	29.72815	13.4806	59.4276
Microspore	6.2567718	0.243089	12.3436
Bicellular microspore	0.151966	0.151966	0.151966
Pollen (mature)	0.09329849432432433	0.0	0.916552
Pollen tube	0.0717627	0.0301463	0.156413
Sperm cell	6.442973428571428	0.21608	15.6204
Pollen tube	0.0717627	0.0301463	0.156413
Tassels (primordia)	29.578175	24.219	33.7571
Tassels (anther)	14.607816153846153	7.56008	28.9684
Tassels	7.593160625	0.815833	25.9949
Silk	13.090103	0.817406	25.3628
Ear	9.933242	1.23584	38.2519
Ear (immature)	10.465346666666667	6.04539	12.5624
Ear (inflorescence)	11.95876	8.34092	15.5766
Ear (primordia)	42.18709333333333	3.49206	79.3043
Zygote (12 HAP)	2.7676666666666665	2.2062	3.10435
Zygote (24 HAP)	24.4293	20.8061	30.587
Daughter cell (apical)	95.90656666666666	66.5175	124.578
Daughter cell (basal)	111.65866666666666	100.676	117.955
Embryo	8.846315533333334	0.0542698	24.4928
Nucellus	16.4943	15.3329	17.6557
Endopserm	3.6156115714285715	0.734422	16.3792
Kernel	7.258556666666666	2.81379	15.2297
Kernel (germinating)	3.7852200000000003	2.09161	5.47883
Seeds	9.508362121212121	1.21205	18.6942
Embryo Sac	27.436700000000002	26.18	28.6934
Pericarp and aleurone	1.16393	1.16393	1.16393
Coleoptile (5 day)	10.613213333333334	8.32234	12.0813
Seedling	4.592160869565218	0.552425	11.3329
Internode	3.440724285714286	1.02522	12.1465
Sheath	10.492735	8.48927	12.4962
Shoot (apex)	8.783637816	0.627687	35.9541
Shoot	2.8659553333333334	0.672794	7.7535
Whole plant	4.224235	2.90609	4.76227
Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue	6.443935	5.66416	7.22371
Meristem (SAM with Laser capture)	15.451866666666668	12.5617	18.9433
Apical meristem	30.1004	30.1004	30.1004
Stem and meristem	19.001399999999997	17.5798	20.423
Stems	16.539818750000002	2.0393	43.2736
Stem (Internode)	3.29981	2.20145	5.36046
Leaf	2.169566364864865	0.0807875	20.4629
Leaf (apex)	20.9797	16.6397	25.3197
Leaf (bundle sheath)	2.7420714999999998	0.331643	5.1525
Leaf (mesophyll)	3.0247786666666667	0.792636	4.90992
Leaf (seedlings)	0.6932157999999999	0.22368	1.55698
Leaf and kernel	0.5596983333333333	0.184509	0.867258
Ear (leaf)	0.671304	0.671304	0.671304
Root	4.443156760416667	0.233046	15.4206
Root (elongation zone)	2.4990855	0.803402	3.91926
Root (meristematic zone)	11.698599999999999	11.0481	12.3491
Root (stele)	7.8999125	4.45669	13.3902
whole crown root (20-30 mm)	6.75593	6.75593	6.75593
Secondary root	1.95546	1.95546	1.95546
Root, root hairs removed	5.04388	5.04388	5.04388
Root (maturation zone)	5.17507	5.17507	5.17507