condition mean min max Egg cell 0.842912 0.14113 1.52859 Ovary 3.4802233333333334 2.24721 4.58657 Ovule 4.7387250000000005 2.61697 10.0828 Microspore 1.1748492 0.07977 3.19943 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 2.9248958918918917 0.527158 7.48822 Pollen tube 1.2664866666666668 1.15958 1.51497 Sperm cell 0.1636127 0.0 0.465304 Pollen tube 1.2664866666666668 1.15958 1.51497 Tassels (primordia) 11.4436375 8.47674 15.1234 Tassels (anther) 7.696306153846154 4.29241 10.365 Tassels 9.5314575 5.98034 13.1401 Silk 8.357135 5.64687 11.0674 Ear 7.041801 3.58708 13.2125 Ear (immature) 7.245468333333333 6.43276 8.59391 Ear (inflorescence) 5.073895 4.52342 5.62437 Ear (primordia) 7.290651666666667 3.71448 10.0149 Zygote (12 HAP) 3.1731066666666665 1.77015 5.13589 Zygote (24 HAP) 2.171343333333333 1.59673 3.22021 Daughter cell (apical) 0.5381716666666666 0.160902 0.75093 Daughter cell (basal) 0.8670426666666666 0.463405 1.17045 Embryo 5.627901111111111 2.27513 8.83623 Nucellus 14.3537 13.8899 14.8175 Endopserm 1.6168175714285715 0.13175 7.98874 Kernel 4.820083333333334 2.33081 7.44849 Kernel (germinating) 4.41621 3.32363 5.50879 Seeds 8.200026242424242 0.887026 14.3087 Embryo Sac 4.798920000000001 4.57849 5.01935 Pericarp and aleurone 5.48364 5.48364 5.48364 Coleoptile (5 day) 4.538106666666667 4.15409 4.73809 Seedling 9.584824782608695 3.86821 14.3276 Internode 6.256735714285714 3.38223 9.66024 Sheath 5.740525 4.78236 6.69869 Shoot (apex) 6.2302924 2.99376 12.4987 Shoot 7.004940833333333 5.20995 8.38002 Whole plant 9.5279725 8.26562 10.9972 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 5.95308 4.51206 7.3941 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 14.236966666666667 12.6878 15.9723 Apical meristem 5.72191 5.72191 5.72191 Stem and meristem 4.606835 4.57262 4.64105 Stems 5.96779875 4.23058 7.52529 Stem (Internode) 7.377353333333333 5.75831 8.57907 Leaf 8.99628927927928 1.96651 18.1236 Leaf (apex) 5.018305 4.37291 5.6637 Leaf (bundle sheath) 7.33571 4.72213 9.94929 Leaf (mesophyll) 8.591553333333334 6.6871 10.9729 Leaf (seedlings) 5.320155866666667 0.993518 13.2024 Leaf and kernel 11.05485 7.729 13.318 Ear (leaf) 6.28151 6.28151 6.28151 Root 8.016099375 1.39083 22.2893 Root (elongation zone) 1.6518825000000001 1.11062 2.07215 Root (meristematic zone) 1.581205 1.56683 1.59558 Root (stele) 9.59615 5.93774 17.6346 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 3.16185 3.16185 3.16185 Secondary root 2.80618 2.80618 2.80618 Root, root hairs removed 6.67766 6.67766 6.67766 Root (maturation zone) 1.01273 1.01273 1.01273