condition mean min max Egg cell 0.09332066666666666 0.0 0.279962 Ovary 0.0509713 0.0 0.113588 Ovule 0.93151775 0.189152 1.73164 Microspore 0.35872752 0.0 0.895712 Bicellular microspore 0.2185 0.2185 0.2185 Pollen (mature) 0.016184894594594594 0.0 0.137211 Pollen tube 0.042905116666666666 0.0 0.139811 Sperm cell 0.3060403857142857 0.0 0.794818 Pollen tube 0.042905116666666666 0.0 0.139811 Tassels (primordia) 0.3142875 0.147025 0.653122 Tassels (anther) 0.21999520769230768 0.0 0.730289 Tassels 0.1867453125 0.0 0.574968 Silk 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ear 0.17235448 0.0 0.583885 Ear (immature) 0.05325478333333333 0.0 0.101052 Ear (inflorescence) 0.0885485 0.0 0.177097 Ear (primordia) 0.5038021666666667 0.0 1.08384 Zygote (12 HAP) 0.029337600000000002 0.0 0.0880128 Zygote (24 HAP) 0.03980033333333333 0.0 0.119401 Daughter cell (apical) 0.11363433333333334 0.0 0.23817 Daughter cell (basal) 0.020273166666666665 0.0 0.0608195 Embryo 0.4902964444444444 0.0 1.12124 Nucellus 0.226105 0.0 0.45221 Endopserm 0.26206877142857143 0.0 1.43711 Kernel 0.13003091666666666 0.0 0.59968 Kernel (germinating) 0.0678745 0.0 0.135749 Seeds 0.29422396996651395 8.89496e-09 1.27022 Embryo Sac 1.284492 0.851474 1.71751 Pericarp and aleurone 0.056656 0.056656 0.056656 Coleoptile (5 day) 0.204673 0.119935 0.346939 Seedling 0.09954401739130435 0.0 0.432354 Internode 0.2211461 0.0 0.631673 Sheath 0.0790565 0.0 0.158113 Shoot (apex) 0.0984638032 0.0 0.715865 Shoot 0.07445245 0.0 0.306483 Whole plant 0.12298262500000001 0.0 0.341054 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 0.130909 0.127866 0.133952 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Apical meristem 0.193476 0.193476 0.193476 Stem and meristem 0.267318 0.164402 0.370234 Stems 0.489147875 0.283044 1.18902 Stem (Internode) 0.29609433333333335 0.127003 0.618495 Leaf 0.11623402702702702 0.0 0.568089 Leaf (apex) 0.321764 0.199712 0.443816 Leaf (bundle sheath) 0.0222093 0.0 0.0444186 Leaf (mesophyll) 0.0206806 0.0 0.0420215 Leaf (seedlings) 0.13755329333333333 0.0 0.311187 Leaf and kernel 0.05569656666666667 0.0 0.248681 Ear (leaf) 0.21388 0.21388 0.21388 Root 0.1420751625 0.0 0.6723 Root (elongation zone) 0.07780975000000001 0.0 0.155702 Root (meristematic zone) 0.18975799999999998 0.180135 0.199381 Root (stele) 0.16757635 0.0694084 0.276115 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 0.139382 0.139382 0.139382 Secondary root 0.0 0.0 0.0 Root, root hairs removed 0.274066 0.274066 0.274066 Root (maturation zone) 0.0 0.0 0.0