condition mean min max Egg cell 15.569913333333334 8.64351 28.9003 Ovary 8.567113333333333 6.12481 10.0255 Ovule 30.854599999999998 10.8975 69.0804 Microspore 17.847594 3.98259 56.2108 Bicellular microspore 4.0602 4.0602 4.0602 Pollen (mature) 39.60785648648648 1.80364 108.034 Pollen tube 13.625616666666666 12.4848 14.4621 Sperm cell 3.6848574285714286 0.27432 13.3403 Pollen tube 13.625616666666666 12.4848 14.4621 Tassels (primordia) 36.706925 28.8783 45.1698 Tassels (anther) 58.17196153846154 34.039 91.1065 Tassels 72.98468749999999 12.013 129.218 Silk 256.0165 133.473 378.56 Ear 48.246 24.8752 104.46 Ear (immature) 22.072033333333334 19.383 27.8737 Ear (inflorescence) 40.9771 38.1724 43.7818 Ear (primordia) 35.937416666666664 10.8521 58.9689 Zygote (12 HAP) 28.4035 16.6395 43.9069 Zygote (24 HAP) 32.821466666666666 27.0311 40.8641 Daughter cell (apical) 6.731443333333333 2.67266 11.3479 Daughter cell (basal) 7.533683333333333 4.63935 9.30012 Embryo 62.845333333333336 27.8218 118.363 Nucellus 102.50945 86.2499 118.769 Endopserm 44.650014285714285 12.7655 83.9432 Kernel 53.72655 32.3267 85.6139 Kernel (germinating) 68.91815 57.8777 79.9586 Seeds 80.62876363636364 36.2091 138.85 Embryo Sac 70.2003 20.0306 120.37 Pericarp and aleurone 20.6464 20.6464 20.6464 Coleoptile (5 day) 205.72 193.943 217.426 Seedling 86.37909130434782 44.4155 144.74 Internode 126.73479999999999 58.4246 159.506 Sheath 201.14999999999998 192.118 210.182 Shoot (apex) 67.7665073336 0.0651167 138.98 Shoot 51.89403333333333 26.1966 82.3286 Whole plant 91.27055 56.6007 134.572 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 33.2231 29.0403 37.4059 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 37.840466666666664 26.3572 46.8592 Apical meristem 21.8375 21.8375 21.8375 Stem and meristem 49.76945 46.2472 53.2917 Stems 131.694025 80.851 210.337 Stem (Internode) 147.724 119.194 189.323 Leaf 63.35990810810811 19.6416 131.134 Leaf (apex) 34.63565 29.6144 39.6569 Leaf (bundle sheath) 48.4707 35.6236 61.3178 Leaf (mesophyll) 53.620666666666665 47.6632 62.6415 Leaf (seedlings) 23.405238 3.53007 61.7266 Leaf and kernel 72.35783333333333 67.0368 79.0795 Ear (leaf) 47.8565 47.8565 47.8565 Root 73.54712386458333 0.164891 147.589 Root (elongation zone) 45.14175 28.2292 69.7174 Root (meristematic zone) 25.840400000000002 25.6692 26.0116 Root (stele) 82.983975 70.9091 96.0128 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 64.6065 64.6065 64.6065 Secondary root 44.835 44.835 44.835 Root, root hairs removed 54.3741 54.3741 54.3741 Root (maturation zone) 17.2136 17.2136 17.2136