condition mean min max Egg cell 6.144543333333334 1.29765 12.7307 Ovary 0.7666903333333334 0.479348 1.07867 Ovule 0.9916900500000001 0.0 3.85585 Microspore 4.100943099999999 0.0365295 12.7069 Bicellular microspore 0.673044 0.673044 0.673044 Pollen (mature) 0.24285975405405405 0.0 1.15906 Pollen tube 0.17790633333333333 0.112346 0.250156 Sperm cell 0.5297760571428571 0.0363784 2.12802 Pollen tube 0.17790633333333333 0.112346 0.250156 Tassels (primordia) 7.73488 6.29903 9.14165 Tassels (anther) 3.550096153846154 1.10779 6.77855 Tassels 4.3300225 1.03251 7.50426 Silk 0.0967275 0.056532 0.136923 Ear 4.791078 1.6535 7.99838 Ear (immature) 6.517018333333334 4.7641 8.17603 Ear (inflorescence) 4.3733249999999995 3.21882 5.52783 Ear (primordia) 9.10696 7.07847 10.9955 Zygote (12 HAP) 24.114333333333335 17.0361 28.0947 Zygote (24 HAP) 15.8952 10.8605 20.1304 Daughter cell (apical) 4.603633333333333 3.4534 5.27412 Daughter cell (basal) 3.916903333333333 3.55427 4.45874 Embryo 5.990072888888889 0.921206 10.6449 Nucellus 0.9606445 0.928624 0.992665 Endopserm 0.8718667857142857 0.0154044 3.36741 Kernel 1.0459564166666666 0.322118 1.88577 Kernel (germinating) 4.54471 3.06641 6.02301 Seeds 2.167979696969697 0.325989 4.91878 Embryo Sac 0.0902065 0.0 0.180413 Pericarp and aleurone 0.325764 0.325764 0.325764 Coleoptile (5 day) 2.5530566666666665 2.34667 2.81893 Seedling 2.8964708695652175 1.29582 5.13288 Internode 5.522512857142857 2.46914 7.80598 Sheath 3.919525 3.74796 4.09109 Shoot (apex) 12.52442592 7.18986 21.1569 Shoot 1.6413400833333334 0.809024 3.77175 Whole plant 3.4613199999999997 2.4191 5.07763 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 5.253970000000001 4.73127 5.77667 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 15.771099999999999 10.7148 20.1669 Apical meristem 8.95268 8.95268 8.95268 Stem and meristem 7.49832 7.08967 7.90697 Stems 6.39799 5.00465 7.70294 Stem (Internode) 5.92559 5.3344 6.86118 Leaf 3.0776543963963965 0.187169 24.4904 Leaf (apex) 7.293555 6.74427 7.84284 Leaf (bundle sheath) 1.6644675 0.763785 2.56515 Leaf (mesophyll) 1.1893136666666666 0.872641 1.51874 Leaf (seedlings) 0.9313315333333334 0.085204 3.90002 Leaf and kernel 0.6392928333333333 0.361301 1.01832 Ear (leaf) 1.28836 1.28836 1.28836 Root 5.59978125 1.54593 13.7772 Root (elongation zone) 1.9703 1.00695 2.90322 Root (meristematic zone) 3.6446449999999997 3.45971 3.82958 Root (stele) 14.689175 9.8347 17.1426 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 5.95347 5.95347 5.95347 Secondary root 2.71762 2.71762 2.71762 Root, root hairs removed 4.91514 4.91514 4.91514 Root (maturation zone) 3.36223 3.36223 3.36223