condition mean min max Egg cell 3.617643666666667 0.537271 7.41537 Ovary 4.8537333333333335 3.70135 5.95715 Ovule 46.25605 32.4 66.219 Microspore 1.7483518 0.218414 3.28856 Bicellular microspore 0.325791 0.325791 0.325791 Pollen (mature) 0.14832752567567567 0.0 2.05542 Pollen tube 0.01945754833333333 0.00853729 0.0290624 Sperm cell 0.21786517142857142 0.0150919 0.578031 Pollen tube 0.01945754833333333 0.00853729 0.0290624 Tassels (primordia) 47.4243 34.3957 60.2354 Tassels (anther) 28.51293846153846 16.2562 43.5639 Tassels 23.03918625 4.36689 49.723 Silk 20.3594 2.4645 38.2543 Ear 24.571863 7.25113 58.8513 Ear (immature) 15.093173333333333 8.91854 17.9405 Ear (inflorescence) 26.10165 19.0052 33.1981 Ear (primordia) 56.147305 7.28613 75.1286 Zygote (12 HAP) 1.742637 0.948461 2.42043 Zygote (24 HAP) 1.6012033333333333 1.29517 2.02825 Daughter cell (apical) 16.22991 7.74003 24.4984 Daughter cell (basal) 9.163506666666667 6.92226 12.9269 Embryo 38.013444444444445 11.8918 58.5805 Nucellus 56.775400000000005 53.9292 59.6216 Endopserm 7.287675714285714 1.85546 16.5866 Kernel 20.306744166666668 5.5827 39.1138 Kernel (germinating) 23.6217 17.4908 29.7526 Seeds 32.27458696969697 5.85454 82.1869 Embryo Sac 36.0518 34.1089 37.9947 Pericarp and aleurone 13.3516 13.3516 13.3516 Coleoptile (5 day) 35.79983333333333 22.1307 42.9867 Seedling 25.50295652173913 8.9589 42.308 Internode 22.220257142857143 18.0594 27.427 Sheath 45.72155 40.1747 51.2684 Shoot (apex) 30.49970056 5.67437 58.2196 Shoot 13.8537325 7.66019 23.9221 Whole plant 29.666800000000002 23.2236 32.5367 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 12.599799999999998 12.0537 13.1459 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 29.072433333333333 23.3267 38.0747 Apical meristem 43.4665 43.4665 43.4665 Stem and meristem 31.26745 29.7329 32.802 Stems 31.8371125 18.5138 48.1988 Stem (Internode) 22.2695 21.2018 23.4385 Leaf 16.263776486486485 1.15459 54.0621 Leaf (apex) 31.41475 27.6107 35.2188 Leaf (bundle sheath) 11.02752 3.57214 18.4829 Leaf (mesophyll) 13.1728 11.9246 14.7701 Leaf (seedlings) 10.135724666666666 2.06611 18.634 Leaf and kernel 9.047278333333333 8.58258 9.85083 Ear (leaf) 13.2958 13.2958 13.2958 Root 24.837519791666665 2.46384 43.86 Root (elongation zone) 18.939515 4.11863 33.5832 Root (meristematic zone) 26.6943 26.0338 27.3548 Root (stele) 38.897149999999996 37.915 40.4523 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 27.6822 27.6822 27.6822 Secondary root 8.97725 8.97725 8.97725 Root, root hairs removed 28.494 28.494 28.494 Root (maturation zone) 7.34988 7.34988 7.34988