condition mean min max Egg cell 33.251533333333334 16.6868 60.1517 Ovary 16.657999999999998 10.933 19.9961 Ovule 44.39835 30.4695 66.4147 Microspore 62.38883740000001 0.320497 290.362 Bicellular microspore 0.147515 0.147515 0.147515 Pollen (mature) 3.0237074864864866 0.14531 7.23219 Pollen tube 2.3752916666666666 1.32146 3.44535 Sperm cell 8.52245357142857 0.0 19.2778 Pollen tube 2.3752916666666666 1.32146 3.44535 Tassels (primordia) 75.34264999999999 71.2693 79.8419 Tassels (anther) 88.06062307692308 63.1985 116.685 Tassels 47.51795 26.6363 66.262 Silk 59.561099999999996 32.141 86.9812 Ear 93.67859 60.837 133.179 Ear (immature) 85.03898333333333 76.9123 92.1347 Ear (inflorescence) 52.274 45.1948 59.3532 Ear (primordia) 80.48526666666666 33.6694 110.735 Zygote (12 HAP) 101.00473333333333 62.9592 137.864 Zygote (24 HAP) 87.8844 62.656 118.774 Daughter cell (apical) 26.491699999999998 19.2503 31.5107 Daughter cell (basal) 29.656399999999998 22.704 43.1782 Embryo 89.69282222222222 40.7424 144.947 Nucellus 129.315 125.478 133.152 Endopserm 61.19141428571429 38.3108 103.478 Kernel 87.32955 58.7946 128.219 Kernel (germinating) 115.81475 88.1085 143.521 Seeds 82.22700909090909 47.5182 162.3 Embryo Sac 78.09065000000001 68.8036 87.3777 Pericarp and aleurone 49.3424 49.3424 49.3424 Coleoptile (5 day) 92.874 89.0313 99.4297 Seedling 133.97215652173912 69.0629 255.691 Internode 122.49664285714286 91.0775 146.74 Sheath 187.9425 175.491 200.394 Shoot (apex) 115.6255336 62.2017 227.789 Shoot 101.29355833333334 76.5045 127.051 Whole plant 149.55075 132.943 165.515 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 107.43125 97.1165 117.746 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 157.87866666666667 138.078 190.585 Apical meristem 68.1842 68.1842 68.1842 Stem and meristem 68.74844999999999 68.2378 69.2591 Stems 110.53935 67.6102 152.396 Stem (Internode) 114.40683333333334 96.0395 123.984 Leaf 149.42478288288288 52.6067 340.272 Leaf (apex) 45.2232 41.906 48.5404 Leaf (bundle sheath) 103.07900000000001 100.694 105.464 Leaf (mesophyll) 106.97186666666667 79.3221 146.548 Leaf (seedlings) 63.13331133333333 9.67777 210.434 Leaf and kernel 216.54000000000002 150.747 263.813 Ear (leaf) 103.421 103.421 103.421 Root 99.0465625 45.5641 192.745 Root (elongation zone) 99.324 83.7318 114.212 Root (meristematic zone) 71.9311 66.9341 76.9281 Root (stele) 100.79715 98.1891 105.171 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 88.0781 88.0781 88.0781 Secondary root 81.4748 81.4748 81.4748 Root, root hairs removed 74.3819 74.3819 74.3819 Root (maturation zone) 71.6125 71.6125 71.6125