condition mean min max Egg cell 62.8017 22.4548 133.702 Ovary 3.7980266666666664 2.70177 4.52434 Ovule 25.643015000000002 9.13756 38.4881 Microspore 25.142108 4.06995 56.926 Bicellular microspore 3.15922 3.15922 3.15922 Pollen (mature) 22.68715054054054 4.12222 49.8094 Pollen tube 14.5463 13.2781 15.7071 Sperm cell 27.211087142857142 4.46646 47.9579 Pollen tube 14.5463 13.2781 15.7071 Tassels (primordia) 19.75665 16.9088 25.0958 Tassels (anther) 19.78784076923077 9.58073 28.6386 Tassels 25.81196375 3.50439 47.8414 Silk 23.33985 22.2659 24.4138 Ear 23.15883 7.3992 68.7572 Ear (immature) 13.120466666666667 11.2429 15.7284 Ear (inflorescence) 15.7575 10.2586 21.2564 Ear (primordia) 42.377808333333334 6.39145 90.6266 Zygote (12 HAP) 41.807900000000004 25.178 53.0173 Zygote (24 HAP) 32.979 28.0051 36.3959 Daughter cell (apical) 16.516833333333334 16.1109 16.9395 Daughter cell (basal) 7.797723333333333 5.73065 9.88654 Embryo 33.85977 9.91513 84.328 Nucellus 30.55525 28.0791 33.0314 Endopserm 12.045502142857144 2.52572 35.843 Kernel 12.8430225 5.86648 20.834 Kernel (germinating) 31.560449999999996 28.9977 34.1232 Seeds 25.93797484848485 5.0831 57.1892 Embryo Sac 21.77195 17.488 26.0559 Pericarp and aleurone 11.3113 11.3113 11.3113 Coleoptile (5 day) 48.34093333333333 40.2505 53.3855 Seedling 13.646933913043478 6.24912 44.4844 Internode 41.694514285714284 16.1901 54.6293 Sheath 32.03425 29.8708 34.1977 Shoot (apex) 29.5010976 12.7328 54.6635 Shoot 10.2463925 5.95682 17.2273 Whole plant 25.9108 11.4138 33.8657 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 16.2788 15.8032 16.7544 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 21.662166666666668 17.0255 24.4478 Apical meristem 27.5143 27.5143 27.5143 Stem and meristem 28.054699999999997 27.8406 28.2688 Stems 45.0155 38.1042 55.0737 Stem (Internode) 43.7141 39.078 46.4085 Leaf 13.59407 2.96342 38.0439 Leaf (apex) 23.989649999999997 14.6001 33.3792 Leaf (bundle sheath) 7.122635 5.11581 9.12946 Leaf (mesophyll) 6.592543333333333 5.19352 8.66691 Leaf (seedlings) 4.4622246 0.768949 7.97064 Leaf and kernel 6.902383333333334 5.45119 8.59647 Ear (leaf) 16.4649 16.4649 16.4649 Root 32.559986458333334 7.2881 76.6049 Root (elongation zone) 10.99641 3.73475 22.1486 Root (meristematic zone) 27.9585 26.5374 29.3796 Root (stele) 70.4509 45.2011 82.1098 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 17.889 17.889 17.889 Secondary root 7.11459 7.11459 7.11459 Root, root hairs removed 22.7444 22.7444 22.7444 Root (maturation zone) 10.6538 10.6538 10.6538