condition mean min max Egg cell 0.548942 0.0 1.13671 Ovary 2.6643333333333334 1.78217 3.11949 Ovule 2.0674715 0.790506 4.74575 Microspore 0.69759606 0.0163796 2.2771 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 0.13022677837837837 0.0 0.682823 Pollen tube 0.016876933333333333 0.0 0.0340241 Sperm cell 0.06274555714285715 0.0 0.322176 Pollen tube 0.016876933333333333 0.0 0.0340241 Tassels (primordia) 7.5653875 4.87598 10.064 Tassels (anther) 3.9245915384615384 1.44968 12.9441 Tassels 4.28180375 2.51788 5.09023 Silk 2.5032949999999996 2.05366 2.95293 Ear 6.980133 3.92094 12.6011 Ear (immature) 3.7958133333333333 3.35311 4.22736 Ear (inflorescence) 6.40685 4.7971 8.0166 Ear (primordia) 6.6083 3.27656 9.92885 Zygote (12 HAP) 1.8140333333333332 1.02188 2.47374 Zygote (24 HAP) 2.1125236666666667 0.788031 4.39225 Daughter cell (apical) 2.8683633333333334 1.74683 4.28721 Daughter cell (basal) 1.4114073333333335 0.390262 2.50522 Embryo 6.771616222222223 0.750596 16.2149 Nucellus 6.236225 5.02517 7.44728 Endopserm 1.3821947857142858 0.252493 4.6493 Kernel 3.1995808333333335 1.33125 8.10932 Kernel (germinating) 14.211549999999999 13.4261 14.997 Seeds 4.330202181818182 0.793312 9.25921 Embryo Sac 1.902125 1.68756 2.11669 Pericarp and aleurone 1.57487 1.57487 1.57487 Coleoptile (5 day) 3.4456333333333333 2.92792 3.86023 Seedling 5.332666956521739 1.6195 9.16044 Internode 8.25311142857143 5.55325 9.36401 Sheath 6.012919999999999 5.92944 6.0964 Shoot (apex) 8.80707128 2.11047 20.985 Shoot 4.451499166666666 2.0075 8.98101 Whole plant 5.3761425 4.86066 6.37719 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 6.412905 6.21634 6.60947 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 3.5738366666666668 3.30517 3.77188 Apical meristem 8.05095 8.05095 8.05095 Stem and meristem 7.794915 7.78214 7.80769 Stems 8.96637 5.38187 12.143 Stem (Internode) 9.422203333333334 8.27322 11.1595 Leaf 9.038728648648648 1.45313 36.4434 Leaf (apex) 8.005575 7.34764 8.66351 Leaf (bundle sheath) 3.808535 3.6824 3.93467 Leaf (mesophyll) 2.2740133333333334 1.80938 3.08818 Leaf (seedlings) 2.5436993333333335 1.29906 4.33541 Leaf and kernel 6.167061666666666 2.98468 10.0956 Ear (leaf) 9.05084 9.05084 9.05084 Root 6.999815395833333 0.695038 17.4238 Root (elongation zone) 2.9532725 1.82884 4.99335 Root (meristematic zone) 4.1660699999999995 3.92054 4.4116 Root (stele) 12.5835725 8.06409 14.9532 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 5.52094 5.52094 5.52094 Secondary root 4.05923 4.05923 4.05923 Root, root hairs removed 6.26636 6.26636 6.26636 Root (maturation zone) 2.76368 2.76368 2.76368