condition mean min max Egg cell 24.599333333333334 12.3797 34.1911 Ovary 19.103666666666665 14.3606 22.3341 Ovule 38.116975000000004 20.0774 48.0741 Microspore 0.9894938 0.164894 1.95515 Bicellular microspore 0.292199 0.292199 0.292199 Pollen (mature) 3.5670651621621623 0.613321 6.99512 Pollen tube 3.1008883333333332 2.38053 3.85643 Sperm cell 72.83453142857142 0.900202 172.605 Pollen tube 3.1008883333333332 2.38053 3.85643 Tassels (primordia) 34.698275 28.9345 40.4947 Tassels (anther) 48.4719 33.9144 62.9241 Tassels 33.644325 15.8729 46.433 Silk 12.420015 8.93593 15.9041 Ear 32.587602 7.03592 56.9939 Ear (immature) 31.034366666666667 23.55 33.9439 Ear (inflorescence) 28.2925 26.0984 30.4866 Ear (primordia) 32.307433333333336 22.5578 36.9905 Zygote (12 HAP) 52.5939 27.308 72.6845 Zygote (24 HAP) 56.25326666666666 40.8563 67.3723 Daughter cell (apical) 85.15249999999999 68.7344 106.728 Daughter cell (basal) 83.35096666666666 65.6794 98.9225 Embryo 35.460033333333335 11.099 55.4459 Nucellus 128.3 121.552 135.048 Endopserm 14.202364285714285 6.80136 39.0529 Kernel 44.038 15.546 103.656 Kernel (germinating) 42.05345 34.7561 49.3508 Seeds 39.971642424242425 11.8939 64.3385 Embryo Sac 54.86635 53.9378 55.7949 Pericarp and aleurone 22.7297 22.7297 22.7297 Coleoptile (5 day) 15.0895 14.2724 15.6903 Seedling 27.37565652173913 12.8322 49.1623 Internode 58.291114285714286 24.5075 81.0335 Sheath 47.258300000000006 41.9247 52.5919 Shoot (apex) 34.3605392 13.0618 66.5186 Shoot 15.568545833333333 9.1992 30.0755 Whole plant 54.13995 42.2919 64.4895 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 14.89965 13.3842 16.4151 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 4.188206666666667 3.17169 5.14808 Apical meristem 23.4273 23.4273 23.4273 Stem and meristem 28.5833 27.5463 29.6203 Stems 50.3803375 27.0151 72.7625 Stem (Internode) 65.16579999999999 51.4312 72.1775 Leaf 36.565913873873875 9.07294 127.731 Leaf (apex) 27.126150000000003 24.6627 29.5896 Leaf (bundle sheath) 9.87443 7.81256 11.9363 Leaf (mesophyll) 10.215783333333334 8.25905 11.3718 Leaf (seedlings) 8.970803733333334 0.90796 24.1893 Leaf and kernel 25.74065 22.2504 28.0644 Ear (leaf) 20.0218 20.0218 20.0218 Root 31.727925 12.8104 55.1265 Root (elongation zone) 21.524175 15.2758 26.69 Root (meristematic zone) 15.9894 15.4538 16.525 Root (stele) 37.340875 32.5392 43.4901 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 32.331 32.331 32.331 Secondary root 20.8771 20.8771 20.8771 Root, root hairs removed 26.4552 26.4552 26.4552 Root (maturation zone) 13.7747 13.7747 13.7747