condition mean min max Egg cell 1.7223303333333333 0.421586 4.03134 Ovary 156.90933333333334 126.381 206.635 Ovule 219.0797 17.2488 796.949 Microspore 11.28355114 0.0 56.1264 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 1.5635968629729728 0.0 19.9518 Pollen tube 1.1965041666666667 0.564995 2.15603 Sperm cell 0.6635309571428571 0.0 1.52276 Pollen tube 1.1965041666666667 0.564995 2.15603 Tassels (primordia) 624.68175 480.113 881.715 Tassels (anther) 421.3177692307692 186.421 760.335 Tassels 540.1306375 18.4621 1911.99 Silk 57.6237 24.5338 90.7136 Ear 564.18268 43.638 1227.4 Ear (immature) 1316.4783333333332 1259.84 1388.32 Ear (inflorescence) 860.0070000000001 693.084 1026.93 Ear (primordia) 910.3823333333333 246.39 1525.43 Zygote (12 HAP) 56.56183333333333 22.2982 78.9082 Zygote (24 HAP) 29.6016 21.4323 39.242 Daughter cell (apical) 7.47551 4.50272 10.766 Daughter cell (basal) 11.799173333333334 4.31722 20.8499 Embryo 131.5451322222222 7.33799 365.504 Nucellus 1019.4014999999999 888.313 1150.49 Endopserm 91.95428 9.06492 368.332 Kernel 310.27797499999997 24.4354 1339.83 Kernel (germinating) 302.9354 70.8388 535.032 Seeds 135.6026709090909 3.43701 469.064 Embryo Sac 27.987000000000002 23.4763 32.4977 Pericarp and aleurone 82.4158 82.4158 82.4158 Coleoptile (5 day) 60.6305 54.1089 70.593 Seedling 149.92411739130435 20.8251 914.853 Internode 147.29977142857143 15.515 670.58 Sheath 416.43 273.683 559.177 Shoot (apex) 410.7371344 86.2648 951.141 Shoot 258.215775 75.9333 407.944 Whole plant 132.723325 73.4263 180.796 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 273.1725 267.517 278.828 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 575.0506666666666 373.243 702.768 Apical meristem 714.027 714.027 714.027 Stem and meristem 272.328 263.866 280.79 Stems 70.99747500000001 24.9827 134.074 Stem (Internode) 47.581966666666666 32.0325 62.7018 Leaf 77.96747504504505 4.99787 354.506 Leaf (apex) 685.65 672.131 699.169 Leaf (bundle sheath) 94.75659999999999 66.6662 122.847 Leaf (mesophyll) 64.05746666666667 47.4979 91.9712 Leaf (seedlings) 12.327536733333334 0.850021 34.5547 Leaf and kernel 79.47103333333334 32.2555 133.56 Ear (leaf) 81.1648 81.1648 81.1648 Root 180.19098333333332 45.6337 484.805 Root (elongation zone) 292.426 133.838 433.121 Root (meristematic zone) 159.811 122.443 197.179 Root (stele) 67.355625 30.2203 95.2491 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 195.581 195.581 195.581 Secondary root 378.43 378.43 378.43 Root, root hairs removed 378.479 378.479 378.479 Root (maturation zone) 402.76 402.76 402.76