condition mean min max Egg cell 54.062113333333336 0.0 158.198 Ovary 352.93 285.606 397.8 Ovule 326.91075 107.17 864.246 Microspore 88.047224 1.10619 372.642 Bicellular microspore 0.274156 0.274156 0.274156 Pollen (mature) 39.51698648648649 1.45904 150.196 Pollen tube 256.8018333333333 116.128 368.896 Sperm cell 308.09218571428573 11.56 1074.01 Pollen tube 256.8018333333333 116.128 368.896 Tassels (primordia) 1137.99 1059.36 1312.91 Tassels (anther) 469.4426923076923 218.227 1214.23 Tassels 748.6503250000001 61.3511 2324.0 Silk 514.5195 285.636 743.403 Ear 991.0557 175.367 1719.96 Ear (immature) 2575.995 2298.17 3023.01 Ear (inflorescence) 1561.1399999999999 1213.8 1908.48 Ear (primordia) 1215.6781666666666 716.641 1989.13 Zygote (12 HAP) 27.6063 18.2519 38.1933 Zygote (24 HAP) 53.069939999999995 9.97792 113.139 Daughter cell (apical) 4.041743333333334 1.07255 7.99695 Daughter cell (basal) 13.299393333333333 1.9033 31.0247 Embryo 268.18594444444443 16.9598 783.285 Nucellus 2157.12 2156.16 2158.08 Endopserm 301.1773 99.7442 1019.35 Kernel 680.12525 122.398 2720.73 Kernel (germinating) 570.6005 248.571 892.63 Seeds 353.16620303030305 35.7465 1939.59 Embryo Sac 129.6553 70.7846 188.526 Pericarp and aleurone 286.87 286.87 286.87 Coleoptile (5 day) 106.72743333333332 84.9618 139.891 Seedling 345.83278260869565 120.284 1669.09 Internode 548.9211428571429 118.014 941.409 Sheath 416.122 300.529 531.715 Shoot (apex) 954.1006 361.385 1971.9 Shoot 585.5989166666667 351.148 853.146 Whole plant 611.54 398.722 837.176 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 1149.3020000000001 867.684 1430.92 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 252.455 225.042 295.797 Apical meristem 1064.88 1064.88 1064.88 Stem and meristem 594.7574999999999 580.337 609.178 Stems 275.655625 141.205 558.186 Stem (Internode) 497.1843333333333 412.981 540.459 Leaf 277.43599864864865 6.84345 1460.74 Leaf (apex) 1163.0500000000002 1078.97 1247.13 Leaf (bundle sheath) 99.6188 90.0566 109.181 Leaf (mesophyll) 71.95713333333333 62.7138 81.2896 Leaf (seedlings) 64.77859333333333 14.7798 122.541 Leaf and kernel 312.98633333333333 239.294 398.909 Ear (leaf) 158.976 158.976 158.976 Root 474.40639583333336 136.463 1820.44 Root (elongation zone) 665.2090000000001 365.343 1076.21 Root (meristematic zone) 356.11 322.484 389.736 Root (stele) 211.357075 96.3543 316.941 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 329.984 329.984 329.984 Secondary root 567.405 567.405 567.405 Root, root hairs removed 571.066 571.066 571.066 Root (maturation zone) 820.343 820.343 820.343