condition mean min max Egg cell 2725.4133333333334 1759.27 4206.76 Ovary 264.18033333333335 198.392 318.679 Ovule 1710.07475 563.389 2484.93 Microspore 82.403174 0.0 362.778 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 6.114206324324324 0.0 20.9197 Pollen tube 0.986412 0.396777 1.43805 Sperm cell 11.088014285714285 0.0 29.2109 Pollen tube 0.986412 0.396777 1.43805 Tassels (primordia) 679.556 560.293 788.556 Tassels (anther) 650.6766153846154 380.702 985.613 Tassels 409.35875 130.825 561.271 Silk 706.5555 321.421 1091.69 Ear 491.15610000000004 282.975 818.817 Ear (immature) 703.4713333333333 634.036 842.916 Ear (inflorescence) 635.221 542.916 727.526 Ear (primordia) 415.1408333333333 116.454 696.106 Zygote (12 HAP) 1116.967 890.131 1265.47 Zygote (24 HAP) 858.2753333333334 722.394 950.008 Daughter cell (apical) 719.496 550.315 1026.85 Daughter cell (basal) 855.5123333333333 804.246 944.884 Embryo 1082.5752222222222 466.707 3336.92 Nucellus 406.288 403.209 409.367 Endopserm 331.4049357142857 39.7258 974.677 Kernel 649.2368333333334 417.701 941.32 Kernel (germinating) 1635.0484999999999 982.137 2287.96 Seeds 1053.9591818181818 206.326 2647.77 Embryo Sac 2250.56 1992.37 2508.75 Pericarp and aleurone 1032.94 1032.94 1032.94 Coleoptile (5 day) 54.23086666666667 37.1837 75.5707 Seedling 363.466347826087 134.888 1074.48 Internode 267.89151428571427 91.7896 440.094 Sheath 222.864 217.586 228.142 Shoot (apex) 652.930672 322.508 1164.03 Shoot 527.5379166666667 240.43 796.747 Whole plant 407.416 304.098 607.226 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 497.1395 468.537 525.742 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 196.36 177.032 221.318 Apical meristem 790.35 790.35 790.35 Stem and meristem 688.0609999999999 681.337 694.785 Stems 430.030125 197.653 673.991 Stem (Internode) 296.28333333333336 177.876 508.668 Leaf 312.9742720720721 29.1012 1100.76 Leaf (apex) 1091.225 1041.14 1141.31 Leaf (bundle sheath) 219.92649999999998 205.975 233.878 Leaf (mesophyll) 123.94243333333333 97.752 175.878 Leaf (seedlings) 134.91317333333333 12.1589 368.818 Leaf and kernel 146.25016666666667 129.506 182.405 Ear (leaf) 285.239 285.239 285.239 Root 1004.0764895833333 318.773 1682.39 Root (elongation zone) 530.3355 306.033 731.555 Root (meristematic zone) 671.7965 622.138 721.455 Root (stele) 1777.27 1282.37 3066.11 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 934.077 934.077 934.077 Secondary root 325.851 325.851 325.851 Root, root hairs removed 543.786 543.786 543.786 Root (maturation zone) 357.436 357.436 357.436