condition mean min max Egg cell 80.2878 36.3092 158.947 Ovary 14.016086666666666 9.83406 16.7449 Ovule 57.4733 40.302 82.4443 Microspore 37.3062244 0.166262 155.108 Bicellular microspore 0.468718 0.468718 0.468718 Pollen (mature) 0.9102804054054054 0.0 2.86567 Pollen tube 0.48126166666666664 0.193696 0.806989 Sperm cell 0.46025314285714286 0.0 1.20426 Pollen tube 0.48126166666666664 0.193696 0.806989 Tassels (primordia) 193.63625 153.78 227.119 Tassels (anther) 171.25358461538463 94.9466 237.19 Tassels 108.73075 24.4825 264.187 Silk 42.428239999999995 8.45938 76.3971 Ear 136.80532 33.3535 248.556 Ear (immature) 112.895 105.018 131.748 Ear (inflorescence) 167.45999999999998 142.694 192.226 Ear (primordia) 108.15416666666667 43.5766 209.529 Zygote (12 HAP) 146.20333333333332 128.083 156.19 Zygote (24 HAP) 204.40033333333332 169.797 262.489 Daughter cell (apical) 71.602 53.4501 88.8546 Daughter cell (basal) 84.2247 79.585 87.2176 Embryo 74.59778888888889 32.1122 161.273 Nucellus 75.42654999999999 74.8245 76.0286 Endopserm 63.01584285714286 10.8126 167.247 Kernel 72.07804166666666 35.0932 104.728 Kernel (germinating) 74.03200000000001 49.9641 98.0999 Seeds 67.33895757575758 14.5165 112.466 Embryo Sac 62.41215 54.5118 70.3125 Pericarp and aleurone 21.0803 21.0803 21.0803 Coleoptile (5 day) 43.60033333333333 41.5858 45.2333 Seedling 44.923634782608694 14.4991 163.244 Internode 57.54827142857143 33.3787 159.221 Sheath 80.08075 70.1485 90.013 Shoot (apex) 74.52415944 4.48453 159.366 Shoot 76.97429166666666 30.6567 128.384 Whole plant 52.7888 27.7839 85.2035 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 100.7442 99.5494 101.939 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 88.98140000000001 77.6774 99.4263 Apical meristem 159.533 159.533 159.533 Stem and meristem 128.2455 110.77 145.721 Stems 53.2486375 33.031 83.537 Stem (Internode) 41.14743333333333 38.9487 44.1233 Leaf 37.0430754054054 1.61966 333.087 Leaf (apex) 121.227 115.728 126.726 Leaf (bundle sheath) 38.723 29.5836 47.8624 Leaf (mesophyll) 28.518833333333333 16.0531 43.6145 Leaf (seedlings) 8.487326666666666 1.09823 17.4387 Leaf and kernel 23.76621666666667 13.0174 50.5322 Ear (leaf) 22.061 22.061 22.061 Root 92.01961770833333 20.9171 314.758 Root (elongation zone) 205.543625 74.1255 362.173 Root (meristematic zone) 195.7425 191.318 200.167 Root (stele) 51.338674999999995 40.314 59.9192 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 121.145 121.145 121.145 Secondary root 231.484 231.484 231.484 Root, root hairs removed 136.466 136.466 136.466 Root (maturation zone) 397.679 397.679 397.679