condition mean min max Egg cell 66.84083333333334 34.666 119.317 Ovary 39.31876666666667 29.3101 47.9228 Ovule 92.588375 24.8256 232.106 Microspore 26.383024 0.47191 87.5439 Bicellular microspore 0.573752 0.573752 0.573752 Pollen (mature) 2.8459913513513513 0.101232 11.9225 Pollen tube 0.8616183333333334 0.826029 0.899574 Sperm cell 0.21268214285714285 0.0 1.09069 Pollen tube 0.8616183333333334 0.826029 0.899574 Tassels (primordia) 292.19275 235.657 403.66 Tassels (anther) 211.9993076923077 136.811 262.904 Tassels 201.12355 50.4943 486.896 Silk 33.14595 30.1443 36.1476 Ear 228.65612 60.5959 715.709 Ear (immature) 289.254 255.764 321.913 Ear (inflorescence) 260.73199999999997 211.99 309.474 Ear (primordia) 390.2018333333333 291.359 626.236 Zygote (12 HAP) 123.71566666666668 120.263 128.776 Zygote (24 HAP) 182.59833333333333 151.91 226.74 Daughter cell (apical) 64.21170000000001 42.3742 87.8968 Daughter cell (basal) 69.30436666666667 67.0557 71.8998 Embryo 195.92622222222224 106.198 358.2 Nucellus 211.4765 200.379 222.574 Endopserm 128.93972142857143 28.8975 320.959 Kernel 175.71393333333333 73.7024 294.566 Kernel (germinating) 179.0655 102.883 255.248 Seeds 177.34303636363637 45.8251 344.703 Embryo Sac 94.90344999999999 89.1819 100.625 Pericarp and aleurone 62.1856 62.1856 62.1856 Coleoptile (5 day) 225.93766666666667 210.735 238.555 Seedling 77.86210869565217 21.7978 282.022 Internode 140.70767142857142 85.8094 357.392 Sheath 138.82299999999998 124.375 153.271 Shoot (apex) 123.33218 44.2733 353.379 Shoot 133.04121666666666 61.2815 173.129 Whole plant 95.66785 77.264 120.951 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 129.1055 121.23 136.981 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 624.4186666666667 493.119 695.045 Apical meristem 422.511 422.511 422.511 Stem and meristem 260.33 260.054 260.606 Stems 153.0601125 86.8424 253.024 Stem (Internode) 93.728 82.4481 104.539 Leaf 83.83740396396396 3.23101 727.138 Leaf (apex) 264.47450000000003 259.949 269.0 Leaf (bundle sheath) 72.2051 41.5992 102.811 Leaf (mesophyll) 57.92986666666667 33.4643 94.0729 Leaf (seedlings) 11.10167 1.01033 36.6473 Leaf and kernel 42.18855 23.0449 97.9364 Ear (leaf) 34.4777 34.4777 34.4777 Root 170.13713125 45.6714 466.444 Root (elongation zone) 211.29025000000001 119.202 331.428 Root (meristematic zone) 306.65599999999995 300.066 313.246 Root (stele) 93.414425 68.9156 117.729 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 214.658 214.658 214.658 Secondary root 406.79 406.79 406.79 Root, root hairs removed 281.775 281.775 281.775 Root (maturation zone) 498.222 498.222 498.222